Thursday, October 4, 2007

My First Love

If you love fashion, beauty, pop culture, decorating and other trendy things, you’re more than likely a magazine junkie like me. My obsession with magazines started back when I was about 6-years-old when my mother ordered my first subscription to Highlights magazine; I’ve been hooked ever since. I remember feeling an overwhelming anticipation as the mailman approached our front door with a large bundle in his hand hoping that he’d be delivering what seemed to me like candy in the form of glossy paper.

Throughout elementary school I continued to read Highlights until I became obsessed with the now very cheesy kid version of Bell Biv Devoe – Another Bad Creation (ABC). During that time I had to have every issue of Right On! and Black Beat magazine so I could frantically rip out the posters, plaster them on my wall and read silly stuff about Ro-Ro’s (he was the cute one) favorite color and what he liked on his pizza. By the time I reached high school I became more interested in magazines like Vibe and Honey. While in college I continued to read Honey, but grew more interested in Ebony and Essence. Now I read everything from Real Simple to Newsweek. I currently have subscriptions and access to dozens of magazines and a lot of them are weeklies so you can imagine how cluttered my apartment and office can get with all the magazines arriving so frequently. Due to my obsession with the oftentimes beautifully designed periodicals, I tend to not want to part with all of them. Magazines like Time, Entertainment Weekly, People and some of the other weeklies are easy to toss in the trash, but to me artistic and significant magazines like the now defunct Suede are worthy of keeping.

So, my problems were solved when I came across these super cute pink and canvas magazine holders. Now my favorite mags are neatly stored in my office and are no longer haphazardly stacked in the corner. So to my fellow BG magazine lovers, if you don’t already own a few, go out it buy some because they’re inexpensive and totally worth it.

These are the ones that I bought from Target. They're great space savers, plus the inside is pink. What's not to love?

This is the Real Simple magazine holder, which is similar to the one I have. It's available at for $12.99

Not only can magazine holders help de-clutter your office/home, but they can also add style with bursts of color. These are available at for $11.99


  1. What a great idea for storing old mags that you can't quite part with yet! Currently, all my old magazines live in a stack in my closet. The really old ones live in a box in the garage. Okay, so it might be time to get rid of some of them but I love the idea of storing them in style...until then.

  2. I am a mag hag as well but to be honest I am not too keen on those holders. I would rather get a clear plastic box or a fancy teak case and put them in there.

  3. Girrrlll, thanks so much for this post. Magazines are everywhere in my apartment... the kitchen, the living room, on top of the t.v.... everywhere. I can't seem to throw them away either... I still have my issues of Suede too. I soooo wanted to work there... to bad it didn't last.

