Now that former Destiny's Child member, Kelly Rowland has confirmed to People magazine after much speculation, that she did in fact undergo breast augmentation, made me think about the increasing number of celebrities and now ordinary working-class people who go under the knife for the quest of physical perfection.
Of course, everyone has the right to choose whether or not they want to have cosmetic surgery, but do we hold celebrities like Rowland to a certain standard? She told People, "It is a decision I made for myself. I like it, and that's all that counts. I now feel complete." Do you think that by her admitting her procedure, gives young girls who see her as a role model the wrong impression of loving themselves for who they are?
According to cosmetic surgery statistics, these are the most common procedures:

Whether it's liposuction or a nose job, would you ever consider having cosmetic surgery? Men, do you prefer women with natural breasts over surgically-enhanced ones or does it matter at all? Please share your thoughts!
hi bgg. personally, i am happy with all of me and would rather drop the surgery cash into my ira and other investments. i am working on my buddha belly for the spring and summer, but i will let go of the extra winter love in that area the natural way ... working out and eating healthy. i do think that women and men should get the surgery they need. so if you think you need it, get it. who am i to judge? enjoy the week.
ReplyDeleteI've never been a fan of the fake ones. Don't really know why. I like to breasts that move as the woman moves...not the ones that just "sit there."Lol. My wife mentioned to me that she liked her breast size after we had our son. But he quickly "shrunk them" back to their natural size. She expressed interest in getting them enhanced but I told her that I liked her just the way that she was.
ReplyDeleteI personally think that if you think that getting cosmetic surgery will make you happy -- go for it! You only live once and who cares what anybody else has to say!
ReplyDeleteI think people should do what makes them happy. For most people they have low self esteem about certain parts of their body and if they get surgery or whatever else they get they feel better about themselves and thats all that matters. Everyone has their own opinions about basically everything that goes on but the people who actually gets the surgery should not let it effect them because you have to make the most out of your life.
ReplyDeletei want a sex change! but only for like a day :P
ReplyDeleteI think beauty is in the eyes of the beholder!
ReplyDeletePersonally, I don't think that going under the knife is going to make you look better, but it may help mentally for those who are so insecure about the looks.
Of course, I would love to have 1/2 ounce more weight on my breast and less on my butt. But I keep telling myself the its quality not quantity! HA!
Ah, Good post Brown Girl. I think it's a tough call. I'm not for young girls going under the knife, but if they are of age and have really thought it through then it's fine, within reason. They have to be mentally ready for it though.
ReplyDelete....honestly...i wouldn't mind a breast lift or reduction after I start having children. So I can feel comfortable with my body. I would love to do it now, but I know I should wait until I have my first child...which will be soon.
BGG, I'm so happy you asked. I am a Vintage BG and after bearing 3 beautiful children I made the decision to restore what breastfeeding took away. It was the best money I ever spent! I'm still not perfect but now I (once again) love the way I look and I want to keep the lights on if you know what I mean. To 12kyle, they move when I move, shake when I shake and bounce when I walk and when I take off my pretty bra they stay up! Oh Baby, don't knock it and if your wife wants it, save your lunch money! You'll both be happy in the end! :-) HOLLA!
ReplyDeleteHmmm... currently I wouldn't have any surgery. But who's to say after I pop out the 687614681348613 kids, me and the Mr. are planning, that I won't want a nick and tuck here and there? To each its on, I guess...
ReplyDeleteKelly Rowland is so precious, imo. im glad that she had breast surgery although I did laugh @ her reasoning for the surgery - so she could fit in cool t-shirts.
ReplyDeleteGotta love Kelly.
I don't think I would, only because to me surgery is serious and I'm just not willing to go under the knife for beauty reasons. Plus my mother and grandmother look good, so I've got some years ahead of me to stay hot. LOL.
ReplyDeleteI've considered some lipsuction and possibly a breast reduction.
ReplyDeleteI'm not sure why women want to have larger breasts. If they knew the damage it downs to your back, they woudn't want them.
all i can say is...love yourself
ReplyDeleteHonestly I would get lipo because after 2 kids there are some fat pockets that working out just won't cure. However, I am scared of the knife and it is nothing Spanx wont cure.. lol
ReplyDeleteI wish that plastic surgery was used more for people who need it the most, like people with cleft lips and facial deformities in foreign countries. If every celebrity who got cosmetic surgery donated as much that they spent on themselves to Operation Smile the world would be a better place.
ReplyDeleteNot for me, I hate hospitals and operations when they are for something compulsary. So I would never put myself under the knife for anything. Besides I like me the way I am. You can never beat nature.
ReplyDeleteI don't think I would ever subject myself to surgery that wasn't medically necessary. I considered Lasik once upon a time, but decided even that was not worth the risk to me - I just upped my game with a nicer pair of frames. If I can't fix it at the gym, it just won't be fixed.
ReplyDeleteIf someone else feels the need to surgically alter themselves, I don't have a problem with it - it just won't be me.
This whole situation is funny to me... Kelly is coming out publicly about her boob job... and its only because she's about to re-release her Ms. Kelly album. Its only for publicity. I want her to talk about that nose job that she got that she continues to deny... Let's talk about that Ms. Kelly.
ReplyDeleteAnyway, yes I was considering plastic surgery... I was considering getting that one where they suck the fat from where you dont want it and put it where you want it... I would get the fat sucked from my stomach and thighs and have them place some in my buttocks... if I did get anything done.. that's what it would be...
@ Eb the Celeb -- You are hilarious!!! Oh yeah, I noticed her nose job too. I think she definitely had that done. It's soooooo obvious that it's different when you look at old Destiny's Child photos! LOL!!
ReplyDeleteI was kinda disappointed when I read that article about Kelly. I always thought that she was a great role model for young girls. She started out a bit rocky, but grew into a beautiful human being who seemed to have lots of self confidence. So, I was really surprised to find out that she had this procedure. And her reasons for doing so just didn't seem valid to me. But I guess its all about what makes you happy at the end of the day. And yes Eb, that would be my only surgery choice as well. Except I can't afford to lose fat in any other area either :-(
ReplyDeleteI had a breast reduction five years ago. I went for a FF to a B cup. I would do it again. The doctor took more than I thought. I really wanted to be a C cup. I am all for people doing what they feel is best for them. I don't regret my decision even though my DH wasn't behind me at all. We eventually divorced.