Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Maintaining a Healthy Heart

We BGs always find the time to take care of others, but oftentimes neglect ourselves when it comes to health. For example, statistics show that African-American women are at a greater threat of death from heart disease than women of other races. This dismal stat can be reversed if we take better care of our hearts. That's why it's imperative that we take control of our cardiovascular health.

It is recommended that we do some form of cardio 3-5 days a week for 30 minutes.

Whether power-walking, biking or rock-climbing, incorporating some type of cardio in our weekly routine is essential to maintaining good health.

Not only does doing cardio exercises get our blood pumping, it also helps shed unwanted pounds.

So if you want to fit into that itsy bitsy bikini this season - go out and get moving!

What's your cardio workout of choice? Please share!


  1. Bicycling and basketball. I actually have fun working out when I'm doing those.

  2. Thanks for the great motivation BGG.
    I like walking when the weather is great but in the comfort of my own home I love the air climber.
    Thanks again for this post.
    Product Junkie Diva
    P.S. You are totally on my blog roll, I don't know where my head has been..lol but I LOVE your BLOG!

  3. BGG, I must confess, I'm bad when it comes to exercise. I just hate it but since I've gotten older I do realize it has now become a necessity (that pisses me off). Anyway, I prefer a nice long brisk walk but when that's not possible I put in a good CD and I dance like I used to dance back in the day. My kids think it's hilarious because I'm doing dances they've never seen but when I'm done, we're all laughing, panting and sweating. It's not only a great workout, it's a great way to connect with the kiddos!

  4. I have a love/hate relationship with my elliptical. It's a hard workout, but I love the results. Also go to Curves.

  5. im a fan of the elliptical when i do make it to the gym. the bike comees in second and i avoid the treadmill b/c i dont like the way it feels. it's probably the machine i need most but i hate it.

  6. I'm not gonna lie I don't exercise as much as I should or want to. My life is so busy that when I do get a break I just wanna relax. I was going to Womens Workout for a minute but then it just wasn't any time no more. I do need to do some type of exercise I know but right now I'm just trying to get everything together so I can find time.

  7. I love walking, unfortunately I hate being on a treadmill or eliptical so my workouts suffer in the winter but I love stepping it out in the warmer months.

  8. roller blading!! its safer than you think as long as you don't do it in the streets! central park is AMAZING for it.

  9. It's so true that we need to care of our bodies.
    I personally love biking because it's a great exercise for the legs and butt.
    I'm lucky that I can do it outside and enjoy the good weather.

  10. Great topic!

    I'm getting ready for a vacation (8 days away) so I'm on a 6 day a week workout plan. 4 days of cardio, two days of pilates. It's tough, but I for cardio, I like step aerobics, treadmill or elipticals. I generally get an hour workout in by breaking it up into two 30-minute segments.

    I feel great and after the vacay, I'll go down to 5 workouts a week with a floater day (like if I only do 4 it's SO not a big deal).

  11. so true!! i'm all about my health right now. thanks for the nudge.

  12. Wonderful post! I must get to the gym. Gotta take care of the old ticker. No one else will.

  13. i walk...can't run due to knee issues. but i really want to bike...i'm just nervous to strap my baby on the back :-S i had an elliptical machine, but i just trashed it. i want a newer, better one

  14. hoops, hoops, and more hoops. sometimes i'll get on a treadmill or a bike but i can't do it that long. there's something funny about running or riding in place to me. lol

  15. it would be nice to do some cardio with my wife...but she likes to sleep to much...hahaha

  16. This is just the kick in the butt I needed to start exercising again. I used to be a major gym rat but now between school, work, and motherhood, it can be hard finding that time.

    No more excuses though. Going to start running tomorrow!

  17. Wow, you ladies have elliptical machines, etc.! I should take my own advice and get in shape.

    I loooove walking so that's my cardio choice!

  18. The treadmill has become my new best friend! I bought the Nike + iPod kit, joined nikeplus.com and entered a challenge- since then it's been on! It's a great motivational tool!
