Monday, April 21, 2008

Oh-so Shady

Now that the sun is starting to shine brighter, it's time to pull out your favorite shades! No other accessory can instantly transform you into a chic, pulled-together BG like a stunning pair of sunglasses. You can throw on a pair of shades and a little gloss and be ready to go! Not only will you look polished and fashionable, you'll also be protecting your eyes from harmful exposure to UV rays.

Also, be sure to find a pair that works for your face type because contrary to what manufacturers say about shades, one size does not fit all. So bring an honest friend along when you go sunglass shopping to get their feedback.

Although the paparazzi may not be documenting your every move, you'll definitely look like a star!

What's the most you'd pay for a pair of sunglasses?

Check out some of these stylish shades:

Michael Kors "Corsica" Bamboo Sunglasses available at for $260

Return to Tiffany's Rectangular Sunglasses available at for $650

Forever 21 Sunglasses available at for $6.80

Oliver Peoples "Paramour" Sunglasses available at for $390

Marc Jacobs Aviators available at for $290

Christian Dior Sunglasses available at for $165

New Frontier Sunglasses available at for $9.50

Classic Ray Bans available at for $150

Banana Republic "Sofia" Sunglasses available at for $98


  1. I just bought a new pair of Mossimo "Nicole Ritchie" glasses from Target. They are so cute!

  2. i dont own a par of shades no more than 5$. I get them on street corners, i break and lose them 2 much

  3. I went shade shoppin' this weekend and had a hard time findin' something cute for under $10. AND I went to Target. I break lose them a lot! Those Kors are the business!

  4. Don't know much about fashion in sunglasses but the top pair look pretty 70's (so 70's, in fact, to look really good).

    I think the Aviators look the best.

    We in the UK need to be careful about sunglasses at moment, cause as soon as you take them out it begins to rain (tops-turvy weather ..).

  5. the corsicas are of uber-fabulous proportions...gotta get em! i love my aviators too...but the big frames are me all the way!

    p.s. i tagged you, missy!

  6. Love your picks! Also, you've been tagged!

  7. I'm not really into all these throw back to the 70's styles they are pushing now.

    I usually end up liking the same style of frame over and over again.

  8. i like to think that wearing sunglasses makes me invisible and that ex-boyfriends will never recognize me on the subway.

  9. I know you're going to think I'm crazy but I just can't wear sunglasses. I feel like someone turned out the lights and so my eyeballs keep trying to look where the light is. I always end up pulling them off and wearing them on my head....which still looks cute so, oh well!

  10. Great tip to bring a friend! Thanks.

  11. I love the idea of sunglasses. I try them on and think about how good i'll look out in the sun in the shades, I buy the case for my purse so I won't crush them, but when it comes time to wear them I always forget them and am stuck putting my hand in front of the sun and squinting to try to block the sun's rays. Maybe I'll remember them this year;o)

  12. Seriously... do normal people... that aint like Kanye and Jigga... spend 300, 400, 500 dollars on shades... I love my $10 joints from the streets of Harlem NY baby... and I call it a day!

    I just cant fathom spending that much on shades even if I had the money... I mean prescription glasses dont even cost that much!

  13. LOL@ Eb the Celeb - People who are not Jigga and Kanye probably shouldn't be shelling out top dollar for a pair of sunglasses, but I do like to look at the expensive ones!

    I actually have a friend who owns several pair of designer sunglasses that cost a fortune. I must admit - some of them do fit and look better and are more durable than cheaper ones, but I don't know if they're worth spending over $30. I think I'll add a question to this post. Thanks Eb!

  14. @ BGG
    I like the selection. As always, you have very good taste.

    As for how much I'd spend...I'd prolly drop $150 on a pair for Mrs12. She's into shades. I never have been. I've never owned a pair. I'd prolly spend 10 bux at the most but I'd keep em forever b/c I rarely wear them

    Good post

  15. I have to admit, I do like the BR shades at the bottom... but I can't envision shelling out $100.00 for sunglasses that aren't prescription. I lose and break, or my son loses and breaks my sunglasses waaaaaaaaaaay too often.

  16. Since my glasses must be RX I will spend up to $200 or so. As long as they last 2 years I feel it's worth it. I will not buy anything with large logo's or names printed on them....I have to take a friend or my husband with me because I have the hardest time picking out the right ones....also you must have your hair done, that way you know if they really "fit" you.

  17. the other day, my sugarmommy bought a new pair of Mossimo"Nicole Ritchie" glasses for me. they are so cool. I met my sugarmomma on a famouse site, at first, one of my friends suggest i check it, as he found his soul mate.

  18. I always wanted to wear those type of Jackie O sunglasses, and maybe those big sunglasses that Nicole Richie used to wear (what i like to call big bug eye sunglasses). But i really like sunglasses with small frame, like the Marc Jacobs one you picked out (great choice BGG).

  19. I just bought some trendy sunglasses for a great price. I'm glad the weather is warming up!

  20. Dang, Tiffany sunglasses? I would have been so all over those had it been like 4 years in the heat of the Return to Tiffany's trend... now, not so much.. but they are classic chic and the flashy trashy girl in me did consider them for a split second.... but I'd rather just stick to my gaudy aviators for the time being! Hot choices though BGG and thanks for keeping this lagging fashionista in the loop!

    XOXO -

  21. Can't say how much I would spend because my hubby might see this LOL! But I love oversized glasses and recently purchased a pair from Oscar de la Renta. LOVE LOVE LOVE Them

  22. those marc jacobs aviators are h-o-t! I wont say how much I paid for my sunglasses, they're roberto cavalli but i've had them for nearly 2 years and still adore them so it was worth it. i find that now when i try to by cheaper glasses they feel different on my face - they feel flimsy and not substantial...but i would never had known until i got a good pair.
