Wednesday, June 25, 2008

Staying Fit in the Summer!

There's no season better to stay in shape than in the summer. It's the perfect time of year because the weather generally allows us to partake in outdoor activities that are great for getting in shape. Since many of us BGs wear our hair naturally, long gone are the excuses of "sweating out our hair." For us who do wear our hair pressed or chemically straightened, it's time to do away with the hair excuse all together. We need to get out there and embrace an active and healthy lifestyle!

Here are my top 5 summer fitness activities:

1. Swimming
2. Running around the park
3. Volleyball on the beach
4. Rollerblading
5. Biking

What are some of your favorite outdoor physical activities to do during the summer? Please share!


  1. i to run almost every day. i dont feel the same if i dont do that.

  2. Alright, I admit, the hair excuse has to go but running around a park, swimming or rollerblading our O.U.T. I'm just not one for playing outside but what I will do is go in my backyard, put on some music and dance like nobody's watching. Hopefully, nobody's watching! Talk about exercise, I really get a good workout while having big fun listening to old school jams!

  3. although i sometimes wear my hair natural i still press my hair and use that lame excuse. the most exercise i did was when i had a sew-in because it wasnt my hair so i didnt care how much heat i put on it. but that style is stressful for my natural hair.

  4. Outdoor exercise? No ma'am. I don't know how people do it, I want to pass out everytime I see someone running/jogging in this oppressive heat and humidity! The $60 I spend on my gym membership is well spent, knowing I can exercise in "comfort" year round.

  5. i love biking...i actually need a new one!

  6. I dont like working out but I know it's not an option. I usually go to the gym (though not as often I should), I'm not too keen on working out outdoors- I need to change after Im done sweating!

  7. Walking through the mall...does that count? LOL
    I really need to get back to my rollerblades this summer, I never learned to use
    Product Junkie Diva

  8. my favorite outdoor activity in the summer is drinking. i exercised last night.

  9. I don't have a car... so I walk a lot. Does that count? LOL!

  10. Bicycling and basketball are my main avenues to fitness. And taking walks around the neighborhood.

  11. Biking does it for me. I love to feel the wind on my body and it's a great exercise for the butt.

  12. I love Yoga, power walking and of course swimming in Vegas is a must. I don't do it as often as I should,I use my kids as an excuse. My goal is to get into some kind of year round routine.

    My husband rides his bike to work, it's less then 2 miles but it's something.

  13. Yoga and walking I also love to spend time in the water

  14. i play b-ball. i wouldn't mind running in the park with my wife.

  15. i jus coach lil league baseball and aau basketball (18 and under) and work my farm

  16. @ Dominican Enigma - I always say that I want to start running at least on the weekends. Maybe this summer I will.

    @K-Bear - I do this too! I should add dancing to the list!

    @Antithesis - Yeah, our hair can really become an issue with us working out.

    @Ms. Erika - I have yet to try yoga, but one day I will!

    @Everyone - Thanks for sharing!! :-)

  17. I love jumping rope. I can jump 100 times in a row without missing a beat. It really work the abs too.

  18. Early Morning Kyaking... whenever I'm at the lake, like right now. It's not harsh on my hair, it's so much fun, and quite the workout.

  19. I'm the fattest skinny girl you will ever meet. I'm a size zero but I will huff and puff after a flight of stairs.

    That said - if I ever gained weight - I would just submit to a life of plumpness. *Sigh*

    I have the worst eating and activity habits ever!

    The one thing I noticed in NYC during my trip with BGG was that everyone was so skinny and beautiful! The beautiful part I attributed to the melting pot diversity in NYC - the skinny part - to the public transportation and constant walking in the city life!

    I think I got my month's workout just trying to catch the #5 train to Bowling Green/Brooklyn!

    That being said - move to NYC if you want to lose weight!

  20. I walk during the summer LOL. I've never been a runner, and the only thing next to exercise that I do is a little yoga.

  21. sex is a great outdoor activity

  22. I love to excercise outdoors in the summer; my favorite is walking. I prefer to walk through nice neighborhoods with tree lined streets. As far as worrying about my hair while I work out, I don't. I have worn my hair natural for years so I don't have that problem, but I do remember how it was when I had my hair processed so I do understand. I guess the most important thing is to be health conscious rather than hair conscious.

  23. @Meme - Great point, it's more important to be health conscious rather than hair conscious!!!

  24. @AZ - I had you walking sooo much!!! LOL!

  25. I plan on taking up miniature golf this summer. Maybe I can work off the sag in my arms!
