Wednesday, July 16, 2008

Cute Compacts!

What BG doesn’t carry a small mirror in her purse? Well, I guess that would be me. The other day I found myself fishing around my bottomless pit of a purse in search of a mirror!

Surprisingly, I realized that the only mirror I have is in my MAC powder compact (which I leave at home after I apply my makeup). So I think it's time I pick up a cute compact to add to the rest of the beauty junk in my bag. Or I could just tote along my makeup MAC one!

Do you carry a compact mirror with you at all times?

Check out some of these!

Animal Print Compact available at for $32.99

Estee Lauder Golden Alligator Compact available at for $33

Estee Lauder Tuberose Gardenia Mirror Compact available at for $75

Floral Print Fabric Mirror available at for $8

St. Tropez Makeup Required Brown Snake Print Compact Mirror available at for $14.95

Jemma Kidd Mirror Compact Duo available at for $33

Paris Presents Folding Double Compact Mirror available at for $2.99

Sephora Black Travel Mirror available at for $6

Spring Street Design Seahorse Compact available for $26.90

Tapestry Compact Mirror available at for $10


T said...

How ironic. Guess what my bridesmaid gift was from the Bahamas wedding? I personalized compact mirror. It's like you're in my head or something BGG!

Anyway, it has seashells on it (for the island themed wedding) and it's so nice and so lovely that I'm afraid to actually put it in my purse. I don't want to break it, crack or otherwise destroy it. :)

T said...

"A" personalizd compact mirror.

B said...

I love compacts! I have that Sephora one you listed and I have one on my business card holder.

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@T - That is soooo ironic!!! I've always wanted a personalized compact. I once saw this super cute compact with Dorothy Dandridge on it, but it was $35 and I was too cheap at the time. I wish I would've gotten it.

MakeupByRenRen said...

i have a bodyshop mirror i got for free and it's soooo's supposed to be super slim...but sometimes i can't find it in my mounds of purse items...

Anonymous said...

I want them all. You're right they are cute.
I love the floral print from body shop and like you I don't own one. So thanks for the suggestion.

Product Junkie Diva said...

Yes I always carry around a compact mirror, you just never know when you will need one. I love this one "Estee Lauder Tuberose Gardenia" - cute.
Product Junkie Diva

Yasmeen Christian said...

Very cute and necessary, lol.

K-Bear said...

I love them all but seriously, I cannot put another thing in my purse. I'm hooked on the big bags this summer and I realized I was out of control this morning when I tossed a pair of flip flops in with the rest of my stuff! I depend on my MAC makeup mirror but I'm not much of a primper so once I leave home, it is what it is.

Kwana said...

Great post. I actually have one or three but never remember to put it in my bag of choice.

Anonymous said...

the estee lauder one and the animal print one...FIERCE!

btw - were you able to find out if ursula stephens does non-celeb hair??? still curious!

antithesis said...

i like all your picks but i really like the Tuberose Gardenia one. i have a compact but i often find myself forgetting it. maybe because it's so plain (it's just a cheap white compact that was probably $1).

Just K said...

My foundation is a compact and I never leave home without it but these adorable compacts make you wanna buy one just to pull it out and WoW people. So so cute!

Anonymous said...

I usually think of old ladies or little girls when I think of a compact...until now. These are so beautiful. A must have.

Nemesis said...

- My sister gave her bridesmaids a silver one with our names on it. I really don't know how I made it without gift ever

browngirlspeak said...

I don't know if anyone has noticed on theirs, but my cell phone also doubles as a mirror. It comes in handy when I can't find anything in my "suitcase." :)

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Kay - Email me off BGG so I can give you more information. In short, yes, she does non-celeb hair! Thanks for reminding me to get you this info. :-)

Anonymous said...

so cute

Phyllis Bourne said...

BGG, I absolutely adore compacts. However, I don't carry one. Not sure why????

I love the Estee Lauder Golden Alligator one!!!!

Anonymous said...

No, I actually don't carry a compact in my purse, which is interesting since I am always curious about how I look. I have the habit of looking at my reflection in everything that is even remotely like a mirror. With that said...

I absolutely love those compacts!!! They are all so super cute. I think I'll get the one from Sephora because it's simple and inexpensive.

Thanks again for yet another great post!

Karen said...

I don't have anything as cute as these. I need to step up my game! ;)

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@anonymous - LOL!!! I had no idea compacts were considered "granny-ish" or "kiddie!" Glad to know that u think these are actually beautiful. :-)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

not down with tats
but liked the sea horse

Calming Corners said...

These are all so cute. Thanks for posting this, you make me want to go shopping!

Anonymous said...

I've always wanted a cute compact like these. I don't know why i've never gotten one, I am constantly borrowing friends compacts to see if I have anthing in my teeth or to put on gloss. I think it's time to finally buckle down and get it. My favorites are the floral Bodyshop one and the Estee Lauder.