Thursday, August 28, 2008


Every now and then, we BGs like to unwind with a nice glass of wine with dinner or sip a cosmo when we're hanging out with our girls. There are many occasions when a cocktail is in order, such as birthdays, promotions, holidays, etc. Because I'm a light-weight drinker, I usually opt for a frozen strawberry daiquiri when I feel like celebrating.

From Pinot Grigio to a chilled apple martini, the variations of liquor options are virtually limitless!

What was your alcoholic beverage of choice this summer or your favorite drink period? Have you ever had an embarrassing encounter after having one too many? Please share!

My drink of choice, Frozen Strawberry Daiquiri. Remember, no matter what you're drinking, it's important to always drink responsibly!

Frozen Margarita


Apple Martini


Wes said...

I'm no lightweight when it comes to drinking, lol. If I want something light, I'll usually get a martini or something frozen. Now, if I'm trying to get just a lil tipsy I'll go for a hennessy and coke, lol.

♔Jaimie said...

Mmmm Applemartinis are my joint. Throw some caramel in it and its the bomb!

Anonymous said...

BGG! You forgot about caipirinha Brazil's best-kept secret.
This is the perfect summer or any occasion drink made with cachaca rum but you can substitute it with a good vodka, limes, sugar to taste and ice.
Oh and don't forget the music!

Nerd Girl said...

I too am pretty lightweight. My drinks of choice: Corona, rum and pineapple, pomegranate martini, or a margarita. Whatever I'm drinking - I only have 1!

beautylogicblog said...

You must must must try this liquor St. germain. It is without a doubt the best liquor I've ever tried.

T said...

There are indeed fabulous occasions for drinking: Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday and Sunday are all good reason in my book.

LOL! My drink of choice this summer has been a chocolate martini. When done correctly is quenches my sweet tooth.

Fab post, as usual!!!

Kwana said...

I'm a lightweight. I'll admit that. My all time fave is a Cosmo but I've gotten spoiled by my husband who makes THE BEST Cosmos so now when I order them out they just disappoint me. I try and not get tipsy outside of home because when I do I talk WAY too much.

Fun Post!!

K-Bear said...

On my 21st b-day I drank several Long Island Ice Teas along with some champagne toasts. I was fine until I stood up. I couldn't control myself and I was bumping into people on my way out of the club. My ride home thought he would take advantage of the situation (read: ME) and took a detour to his house. When we arrived he attempted to drag me out of the car and I was so scared but all I could do was I did. He threw me back in the car and took me home. He dumped me out of his car and screeched off. Getting from the curb to the front door was a chore but I made it. I learned to never get so drunk you can't slap the $hit out of someone! Now I'm an apple cooler kinda a beautiful wine glass, of course!

Anonymous said...

i'm not a big drinker- so i usually order something fruity or milky (yes, that's how i order since i don't know the actual drink names-lol) so it shouldn't be a big surprise that i don't have any embarrassing/crazy stories after drinking too much...though i did moon some cars on a public street once...just bent over with my butt all out-lol-my sis says i was tipsy - i say i lost a bet....who's right???

antithesis said...

for the summer months, i love a parton margarita. when it's a little colder, i'm a fan of rum and coke. when the mood strikes me, i'll have a vodka pineapple. oh, and corona w/ grenadine is GOOD. dont let anyone tell you different.

Nkenge said...

Man, I was pregnant then breastfeeding all summer I've been banded to the land of slushies when I want anything to drink. I am living for happy hour at Sonic $1 large slushies are the lick.LOL

PCD (Pretty Circle Drawer) said...

hmmmmmm, i like to enjoy an AUTHENTIC MOJITO...but it has to made properly...i make a mean one myself!

Just K said...

I love frozen drinks but I also like a little Ameretto and Coke and I recently tried a Thomasello Blueberry wine. It was quite tasty, quite intoxicating and quite cheap...perfect!

Veronica Reaves said...

Lemondrop martini's are my all time favorite, along with a delicous bellini, peach schnobs and champagne in a champagne flute is heaven when done right!! If I need to last all night without falling over I usually stick to a vodka sprite for most of the night.

Other than my 21st Bday, (was carried out of the club) I dont have any crazy drinking stories.

Jamila said...

I know my way around a drink or two but this summer I went back to my roots and drank up amaretto sours. There is something to be said for a gin and ginger ale too.

Ms.Erika said...

I'm a Margarita on the rocks no salt kinda girl. It must be made with Grand Marnier as seen in my profile pic :)

I also LOVE a good wheat beer: Hefeweizen, Blue Moon, Bells Oberon..ohh yum

12kyle said...

henny & coke

i also love margaritas!!!

Anonymous said...

I don't drink alcohol , but I like virgin strawberry daiguiri's.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

suprised u dont have mccains VP pick

Eb the Celeb said...

hmmmm... kettle one cosmo's are my fav!

Mr. Michael said...

TEQUILA!!!! anyting with tequila in it. I am a Texan and can drink tequila all night and NEVER have a hangover. You know how the saying goes, "no one buys tequila, they rent it" Yes you spend every 20 mins in the bathroom but you will not be hungover. I had had some great events with tequila but the most funny might embarrass Mz. BBG so i will auction this story to the highest

Soul Natural said...

I'm a Merlot type woman when i'm relaxing, and a Grey Goose and cranberry type woman when i'm getting myself into some good trouble!

yummy411 said...

i think i can just about say all of your and the readers' recommendations are great. but yummm.. i recently had a mango margarita... ohh and someone said a bellini--yumm!

Anonymous said...

vodka soda is my choice. simple and less of a hanger the next day