Wednesday, May 13, 2009

Pretty Brown Eyes

We BGs have always been praised for having gorgeous brown eyes. For those of you old enough, you may even remember Mint Condition's hit 90s song, "Pretty Brown Eyes," which was an ode to the beautiful shade of peepers. Now Sephora has taken notice of us brown-eyed beauties with its ten-shade Mono Eye Shadow Kit for Brown Eyes. The array of hues complements the pigment of brown eyes, by making them stand out - what's not to love?

Sephora Mono Eye Shadow Kit for Brown Eyes available at for $40 (a $160 value)

If you have brown eyes, would you use this kit? What shades of shadows do you think bring out the best in your eyes?


  1. i love those sets. I have one by Eyes by design.

  2. I do have pretty brown eyes and yes I would use that kit. I always stick to the natural look so I never buy "funky" colors. With the deep shades of blue, purple, etc., this kit would force me to explore my "funkier" side.

  3. I have pretty brown eyes too BUT they are just too big for eye my opinion. Oh but these colors are so pretty I want to try it. I bet that make up guy you interviewed could make my BIG brown eyes really pretty with that set!

  4. agreed. my eyes are too big for most shadow... it generally falls off my lids and ends up under my eyes making me look tired. if i do use a shadow, i like to use a cream based one that sticks and i love bronzey-gold tones.

  5. I would definitely use this set. I'm just starting to experiment with shades so I don't have a favorite at the moment.

  6. I have pretty brown bedroom eyes, and that's exactly why I don't wear eye shadow. It closes them even more, and then I wlak around looking like Garfield the rest of the day.

  7. Very cool and I used to love that song!

  8. i have blue eyes so bright colors make me look a little like a prostitute.

  9. my brown eyes usually hide behind glasses but when i wear contacts, lighter shades of shadows seem to make my eye pop! peaches and golds and browns.

  10. Great idea for me and for a present.

  11. i noticed that purple and black smokey eyes makes my brownies really pop!

  12. I remember (and still love) Mint Condition's "Pretty Brown Eyes"...classic.

    Yes, I would use this set. I usually use natural/neutral (oh, and peaches & pinks) shades for the office but when going out, I like to experiment with color. I like greens and a peacock.

  13. I still don't use eye shadow consistently, but I tend to like golden hues or black shadows.

  14. It sounds great, but I have no idea what color works best for me. I usually like to keep it pretty natural looking so neutrals work best for me.

  15. i love this! I got given a set as apresent! Its gorgeous! I live in UK and i have a problem of finding this brand x

  16. This is right up my alley! I love wearing colored eyeshadow - cant nobody tell me im not the shizznit when my eyeshadow is hella bright . I rock the blue , the green , whatever mood im in that day. I figure , I better wear blue eyeshadow now in my early 20s , so that im not an 80 year old thinking she can still wear blue eyeshadow

  17. I do have brown eyes but I wouldn't use this kit because sephora brand products don't have much pigment in them. I like golds,bronzes, browns for everyday and I find that purple and blues really make my eyes pop.
