Monday, October 5, 2009

Think Pink

Although pink is a pretty and playful color, during the month of October, it helps bring awareness to an ugly disease - breast cancer. Since October is Breast Cancer Awareness month, I will showcase different products throughout the month whose proceeds go toward helping find a cure for this disease that has affected so many families, including my own.

Diptyque Pink Roses Candle available at for $68. Proceeds from the sale of the limited-edition Pink Roses Candle will aid The Pink Agenda’s mission to raise money and heighten awareness of Breast Cancer among young professionals, hoping to cultivate the next generation of philanthropists.

Have you ever bought products that help raise money for breast cancer research? Have you been personally affected by this disease?


  1. i have a pink blowdryer for breast cancer awareness month. my aunt had breast cancer and she beat it, fairly quickly. i guess it was early detection. i was really young when she got it but she seemed like she was fine in like 6 months.

    i try to buy from companys that support breast cancer awareness/ treatment. has about 4 different posts with lists of companies you can patronize in support of this cause.

  2. breast cancer runs on both sides of my family. my maternal grandmother and one of my mom's sisters passed away with it. i've bought several products that support breast cancer awareness, including the new Bank of America debit card! I'll be looking forward to your product recommendations.

  3. I have purchased pink items in the past where the proceeds were dedicated to breast cancer research.

    I've only recently (very recently - this past Friday to be exact) been personally affected. We learned that my younger sister (30) has breast cancer. We don't know yet the type or the stage. We'll know more once she has her follow up appointments.

    I think this is a wonderful idea to showcase items throughout the month where the proceeds or a portion of the proceeds are donated to breast cancer research.

    I also love the NFL pink. It's a good way to make men more aware and to encourage them to check on their mothers, sisters, wives or significant others.

  4. I have the aveda lotion with a pink ribbon and some other items. Unfortunately, so many lives have been touched by cancer...

  5. Shawnta I am so sorry to learn about your sister. I hope all turns out well for you and your family.

  6. BGG, what a great idea. I lost my mom to breast cancer in 1999 and her baby sister a couple years sux big time. Over the years, I've made many purchases in support of demoliting breast cancer, most recently a pink leather head scarf complete with studs! And for those who don't know, breast cancer affects men too. I pray that the cure is soon coming! Please God, please!

  7. I have a pink food processor in support of Breast Cancer Awareness. My aunt had breast cancer and through a mastectomy was able to beat it.

    Shawnta im so sorry to hear about your sister. I hope that everything turns out well.

  8. Thanks, ladies. I truly appreciate your kind words & prayers. We have different fathers and her paternal grandmother had a double mastectomy a few years ago. My sister is so young but I'm looking at the brighter side of things...from the initial test, the doctor think it's been detected early.

  9. @Shawnta - I too am saddened to hear about your sister. However, I'm glad to hear that her doctors think that it was detected early. Early detection is key. My thoughts and prayers are with you and your sister. Thanks for sharing your personal story.

  10. Hi bbg,
    Just discovered your wonderful site! Enjoyed looking over past posts..ran out 2 nic and bought maybelline shade in madison mauve..luv it!
    I have supported the cause by purchasing pink items. Most recently pens,and collecting lids from yogurt cups.
    Looking forward to more to come!

  11. I bike and run to support cancer awareness. It feels good to help and be part of a solution.
    As per products I'm trying to choice products that support causes.

  12. I love buying 'Pink' products to support breast cancer research and 'Red' products to support HIV/AIDS research. You do have to be careful, though, b/c I've heard that other companies will exploit the popularity of these campaigns by selling products that are marketed similarly but do not actually contribute to these causes.

  13. Think pink and educate! Thanks BGG :-) Hats off to Brown Girl Gumbo for turning 2!! I love you!

  14. I support the cause but I'm not a fan of pink aplliances
