Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Feeling Sandal-Shy?

Now that summer is in full swing, sandals are definitely in order. For those of you who are a bit sandal-shy due to corns and bunions, there's a solution for you! Pretty Toes is a line of waterproof-makeup that's formulated to fade and cover minor imperfections and discolorations on your feet.

Developed by a Board Certified podiatrist, Pretty Toes, was designed with us BGs in mind by providing an array of tones that complement our varying complexions. I must admit that I've been lucky to avoid having unflattering feet conditions, but I know many women who would do.

What will they think of next? Would you ever wear cover-up on your feet? If you'd like to give it a try one lucky reader will win a tube. Simply leave a comment and a winner will be randomly selected and announced next week.


  1. I would love to try it out! I have tan lines on my feet from wearing diffent sandals, I'd like to see how it works on those.

  2. I've seen this product three times in one day. Fate perhaps? I hate my feet and don't own sandals. I feel that it is necessary for me to post here in hopes that I get lucky with a trial.

  3. Wow!!! what a grand idea! I have one problem area on my foot due to eczema issues and this probably would help!!

  4. I should've invented this! I've been dabbing concealer on small imperfections on my feet for years!! I'd love to try this line.

  5. A product like this never crossed my mind. So glad someone thought of it!
    Can't wait to try it! Good luck to everyone but I want to win:)

  6. Wow! Whod've thunk? I do have a few imperfections on my feet, but nothing so glaringly obvious (I think!) that I would bother to put concealer/makeup on my feet. Great concept for those who desire such.

    (Please don't enter me in the contest.)

  7. I'd love to win this! Please enter me in the contest.

  8. Yayyy!! This is awesome! I would LOVE to try this, as I have PERMANENT stains on my feet from the leather straps of my sandals. I have tried scrubs, lemon juice concoctions, skin bleaching creams and NOTHING has worked for me. This could truly give me back my confidence when wearing sandals again. Please pick me!!

  9. I would use it if I needed to, such a cute and fun idea.


  10. That's a great idea! I would love to try it.

  11. wow, this seems like such a good idea for toes and my toes are discoloured and tanned in such different areas. I would love to win hahahhahhaha

    Love the blog by the way,just newly signed on lol

  12. The winner is SunyBlack! Congratulations!

  13. Like Nikki, I have the same issue and thousands of both men and women suffer from the same condition. This product is a Godsend. I'm glad youposted the product. I was completely unaware of it and had been wearing (very expensive) body make-up.

  14. This is dope. I'd use it if I were a model or something, but since I'm just a regular pedestrian I think my toe discoloration is ok. LOL!
