Wednesday, August 11, 2010

'Look Book' Giveaway

Nina Garcia has always been my favorite judge on the hit reality TV show, Project Runway. Her effortless style, grace, and unabashed truthfulness towards the show's contestants have kept me glued to the tube for 8 seasons.

Now the New York Time's best-selling author and Colombian-bred style guru is back with her fourth guide, 'Nina Garcia's Look Book: What to Wear for Every Occasion.'

Packed with popular questions that many women have when it comes to fashion, Garcia gives it to you straight. From what to wear to an interview to the dreaded funeral, 'Look Book,' delivers advice in an easy-to-follow girlfriend style. Not only is the book filled with fashion wisdom, but super chic sketches by Ruben Toledo prettify each page.

Available at bookstores nationwide.

What are some of your favorite books on fashion? Would you like to read this book? If so, leave a comment and a winner will be randomly selected and announced later this week.


  1. I really like the Lucky Shopping Manual as well as The Frugal Fashionista.

  2. I love Project Runway and you are right Ms. Garcia and class and poise.

  3. You know I love me some Nina and watch her every week on Project Runway. I have her The 100 book and really like it. She tells it like it is.

  4. I really like InStyle Instant Style and The hosts of What Not to Wear wrote a book that helped my persona style a whole lot

  5. i dont have any fashion books. maybe that's my problem. whenever i do have somewhere to go, i spend the most time figuring out my clothes. makeup is easy and takes like 2 minutes to come up with a plan for. probably because i have a beginner makeup book...

  6. This comment has been removed by the author.

  7. I liked her earlier book The Little Black Book of Style. I would love to get my hands on the new one!

  8. I've been looking at a lot of fashion books lately and I can't say that I have a favorite I love them all. Fashion is my passion and I'd love to add this one to the collection.

  9. The book that really broke it down for me was "Nothing to Wear" by Jesse Garza. I LOVE Project Runway and could use a woman's sounds like the winner!!!


  10. As much into fashion as I am, I don't own any of the books!!!! *insert huge sad face*

    I would LOVE to win this book...

    And love that show, "make it work!!" lol

  11. I don't own any fashion books but I would love to read this one! It sounds great!

  12. I don't own any fashion books, but I too have always loved Nina Garciafor her timeless looks.

  13. I don't have any fashion books. When I'm in doubt I usually just do black. The book looks like a good read.

  14. Love Nina Garcia! Her books always have great quotes on style. I have her Style Strategy book.

  15. I like what not to wear and Nina's little black book of style.

  16. The winner is Allywan! Congrats and pls email me your mailing address! :-)

  17. i had NO idea she had another book out! i have all the others!! will for sure go out and BUY this!!! :P

    thnks for posting <3


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