Friday, November 12, 2010

It's the Balm!

When it comes to lip balms, glosses and other products to make our mouths pucker, I just can't seem to get enough. Such is the case with my newest obsession, Eos' Smooth Sphere all-natural lip balm.

This holiday set comes with a trio of organic balms in Honeydew, Sweet Mint and the new limited edition, Pomegranate Raspberry. Each balm is packed with vitamin E, soothing shea butter and jojoba oils to help keep lips moist. The unique egg-shaped packaging alone makes it a standout amongst the bevy of balms in the beauty aisles.

Available at for $9.99

What's your favorite lip balm?


  1. I have to see that in person. How big are they?

    Peace, Love and Chocolate

  2. Some of my faves are:

    1. EOS - Love the Sweet Mint & the Lemon ones.

    2. C.O. Bigelow's - Mentha Glosses

    3. Good old Chapstick

  3. I never tried the Eos, I need to try it. But Carmex is a classic,and also Chapstick

  4. Hey BGG
    These are very cute, I have yet to try it but they look adorable.

  5. @Redbonegirl97 - They're about an inch. Very unique!

  6. I love those things! I just picked up a handful for stocking stuffers.

    I'm also partial to plain old Vaseline. I don't like Carmex -burns my lips.

  7. These are so cool. I love Rosebud salve.

  8. I like Kiehl's lip balm and Palmer's Cocoa Butter Formula Lip Butter.

  9. Hey BGG...I have one of these, but I find that I have to apply it often to keep my lips hydrated! Maybe its the cold weather, but it is still a great product. The shape makes it easy to apply your your lips as well!
