Tuesday, January 25, 2011

Birthday Wishes for my Baby!

As some of you know, my daughter Ava turned 1 year old last week! I can't believe how fast the time has gone. It seems just like yesterday I was waddling around with a big, bourgeoning belly and now she's taking her first steps! In honor of her 1st bday, I thought I'd share a funny photo of her with you guys. The happiness she brings me is immeasurable!

She's watching Yo, Gabba Gabba in what looks like utter disbelief!

I'll be back tomorrow with a new, updated post. :-)


  1. Now THAT is too cute!! Happy birthday to your little one.

  2. Aww she is too cute! Happy Birthday to her

  3. yay! she's so cute and i cant believe it's been a whole year.

  4. I have a one-year old niece and Yo Gabba Gabba is the only thing that keeps her quiet. Kids are indeed, mesmerized by that show. Thanks for sharing!

  5. Too cute! Wow! I can't believe it's been a year already either. Time flies.

  6. Love her!! What an adorable little girl!!!

  7. I'm expecting with a baby girl! So excited! Happy Birthday to Ava!!
