Tuesday, April 12, 2011

Book Giveaway: The Gratitude Power Workbook

Anyone who knows me personally knows that I'm a sucker for self-help books. Any publication that can give me tips on improving myself, I'm all for it. Maybe it's due to all of those years of dedicated Oprah watching. Whatever the reason, I can't seem to get enough of these feel-good guides. Ultimately, don't we all want to be the best versions of ourselves? The latest edition to my self-help library is The Gratitude Power Workbook: Transform Fear into Courage, Anger into Forgiveness, Isolation into Belonging by Nina Lesowitz and Mary Beth Sammons.

Available on Amazon.com and bookstores nationwide.

The book takes readers on an introspective ride of evaluating what it means to be grateful and how displaying gratitude can shift the course of our lives. Basically, the authors' goal is to make readers stop and smell the roses and look at the glass as half-full, instead of half-empty. Empowering quotes (I like to call them golden nuggets) and affirmations from notable scholars, authors and dignitaries such as Maya Angelou, Alex Haley, and John F. Kennedy are sprinkled throughout the book. Plus, there are plenty of fun exercises with blank pages and spaces for you to jot down your thoughts, ideas and goals.

If you have a lot to be grateful for and are in the mood for a motivating read, this book is a must-have!

What are the top 3 things that you are the most grateful for? Share your comments and a reader will win a copy of this book. The winner will be selected randomly and announced later this week.


  1. my husband , my faith in God , and being alive and healthy . thanks

    tumblemumbo at gmail dot com
    intl. located

  2. My family, my strength and my beliefs!

  3. I am grateful for God's love, for my family and for my sense of humor.
    Thanks for the amazing giveaway. I am the same way. I love anything self-help :)

    mrsjohnson1982 at yahoo dot com

  4. 1. God's grace
    2. parents who raised me right
    3. common sense

  5. What three things am I grateful for??

    The strength to know that things I can't handle I can give to God and he will handle them..

    The confidence to walk into a room and know that I belong (and the personality to make me feel like I belong)

    and the spirit to bounce back from darn near anything :)

  6. My family, my happiness and my ability to love no matter the hurt I have felt.

  7. hope I am not too late to enter ;-)

    I am most Grateful to God for everything He has and continues to do in my life.

    My intuition - I trust that fully.

    My family (close knit and extended - all 110 of them) - for without them, I would not be me.
