It's a brand new year, which means it's time to leave the past in the past and start anew. Whether you want to start your morning off with a quick run or implement a new skincare regimen, the top of the year is always a great place to start.
I typically don't make new year resolutions, but I do strive to be the best me that I can possibly be. For me, that means being more patient, eating less candy, and keeping in touch with my loved ones more. I'm ready and embracing everything that 2012 has to offer. Change is in the air and it feels so good!
Do you make New Year's resolutions? If so, do you usually stick to them?
I usually do, but this year I decided to take them seriously and am working through a great book,The 7 Minute Solution, which helps you work to attain a more meaningful life. Please check out my review if you are interested.
I don't make them, but I do set personal goals for the year in January. In my mind a resolution is so final, a goal is a process with steps that can change and it doesn't have to be accomplished in the year.
ReplyDeleteMaybe I'll write a blog response with my goals for the year. Stay tuned.