Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Must-See TV: Black History Month

It's hard to believe it's February since we're experiencing such a mild winter, but it's here, which means it's our month to celebrate and recognize our contributions to the country. PBS has several programs that highlight African-American history and showcase our stories.

From a documentary on the abolition of slavery to an exploration of our communities in the 60s and 70s through film and music, PBS will air a slew of programs that will enlighten and inform during Black History Month.

Check out my must-see choices:

Slavery By Another Name: Wall Street Journal senior writer Douglas A. Blackmon, explores the little-known story of the post-Emancipation era and the labor practices and laws that effectively created a new form of slavery in the South that persisted well into the 20th century.
Airing Monday, February 13 at 9PM, EST

Independent Lens: The Black Power Mixtape 1967-1975: Audio and visual interviews from African-American artists, activists, musicians, and scholars. Pictured: Angela Davis.
Airing Thursday, February 9 at 10pm, EST

Independent Lens "Daisy Bates: First Lady of Little Rock": This program tells the story of Daisy Bates' life and public support of nine black students who registered to attend the all-white Central High School in Little Rock, Arkansas, which culminated in a constitutional crisis — pitting a president against a governor and a community against itself.
Airing Thursday, February 2 at 10 pm, EST

How will you celebrate Black History Month? Will you be watching these programs?


  1. great post. i will watch all 3.
    thank you

  2. I've already missed two of them but I'll tune in to the 3rd! I'll be looking for others too. I try to catch these type of shows year round and pass it on to my children. They need to know how we got in this situation and more importantly how incredible we are to be still standing! Take that devils!
