Friday, April 20, 2012

Do the Earth and Your Body Good

While I try to do my part of being environmentally responsible, I know there's always room for improvement. That said, I've been using a few bath & body products from The Body Shop that are an eco-conscious girl's best friend.

Their new line of Earth Lovers shower gels are 100% completely biodegradable, soap-free, contain no parabens or colarants, and smell downright heavenly.

Being a beauty buff, I have tons of products that aren't biodegradable so when I come across products that are, I try to spread the word. Plus, these refreshing gels are made with organic aloe vera from Guatemala, which have incredible healing benefits for the skin that won't leave it feeling tight or dry. With scents such as Lemon & Thyme, Watermelon & Eucalyptus, and Pear & Lemongrass you'll want to wash with these gels ten times a day!

Available at for $10

If there's one eco-friendly product line out there that's actually conducive to conserving the Earth while making you feel so fresh and so clean it's these gels.

What are some of your favorite eco-friendly products?

1 comment:

  1. Such a refreshing post, sort of made me thirsty lol, so far I haven't tried any eco-friendly products, but its never to late to start :)
