Monday, September 15, 2008

BGG Celebrates 1-Year Anniversary!!

**First, let me say that my thoughts and prayers are with everyone in Texas who have been affected by Hurricane Ike. K-Bear, I hope that you are back on your feet soon. :-)

I can't believe it's been one whole year since I launched Brown Girl Gumbo. It all started last September with me wanting to share my love of writing about fashion, beauty and entertainment with like-minded women via the internet. I had no idea who, if anyone, would find my site and read it. Slowly, but surely I began to find an audience who has been loyal, kind and SUPER supportive. I know it sounds corny, but I really couldn't have done it without you!! I appreciate every single one of you who reads and enjoys BGG. I especially want to thank those readers who leave comments because it lets me know that there are people out there who are reading, but I love the ones who don't comment too! :-)

In celebration of my 1-year anniversary, I want to give one lucky reader a gift bag filled with goodies worth over $300. Starting today (September 15th), all you have to do is leave a comment everyday until September 21st. I will take all of your names and put them in a hat and draw one lucky reader at random on September 22nd. This contest is only eligible for readers living within the United States. The winner will be announced on September 22nd (my actual anniversary). The prize will be delivered within 2 weeks of the announcement.

Have you ever won anything from a contest?

Here are some goodies that will be included:

Barack the Vote 3/4 t-shirt retails for $25 at

Miss Jessie's Curly Meringue Hold Styling Cream retails for $38 at

Neutrogena Moistureshine Lipsheers Lipstick retails for $9 at drugstores nationwide

Dr. Miracle's Oil Sheen retails for $8.99 at drugstores nationwide

A Design Brush Set retails for $63 at

Tools Science Nano Silver Digital Styling Iron retails for $89 at

Smashbox Bionic Mascara retails for $19 at

Bliss Hot Salt Scrub retails for $36 at

Neutrogena Nourishing Eye Duo in Iced Coffee retails for $7.64 at drugstores nationwide

Cetaphil Daily Facial Cleanser retails for $7.99 at drugstores nationwide

Susan Posnick Colorflo Mineral Foundation retails for $64 at


B said...

It's 1 year already, BGG?! Yaaaaay, happy blogiversary!! I remember first visiting your site when COM was just a a baby. I have enjoyed seeing BGG grow, expand and provide a positive outlook for our people. I am so proud of you and grateful to be in your circle. Peace and blessing and here's to many more years!

Ms.Erika said...

Happy blogiversary! I've told you before how much I love your blog, glad to see you getting some press! You will be a household name for sure.....

Phyllis Bourne said...

Happy anniversary!!!

You've only been blogging a year?!?! Wow! BGG has become such a big part of my daily routine, I can't remember life without it!


Unknown said...

Happy Anniversary. Thanks for all the info you have given me.

Wes said...

Congrats!!! Can't believe it's been a year already. Keep up the good work- It's only up from here!

Anonymous said...

BGG, I have learned about new products, fashion, music and celebrities on your blog.
Thank you for all the work and keep the information coming.

T said...

Congrats BGG. I can't believe it's only been a year. I don't remember exactly when I started reading, but I thought you'd been blogging forever. LOL! You're so good at it!

In other news: I WANT THAT BAG! I would be making comments anyway, but I'm definitely going to be here every day now. (I might post on the weekends for good measure, LOL!)

antithesis said...

1. OMG i cant believe you have only been doing this for 1 year. your blog is SO great!!!
3. you know i wanna win everything in the bag!!!! you have such awesome taste!

Anonymous said...

So exciting!!!! can we have a party?

Calming Corners said...

Congrats on a great job and awesome blog!!!

Nerd Girl said...

Yay you! Happy anniversary. I love your spot and can't wait to see what the next 365 brings.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary! Yay! So glad I discovered your blog and I am one of your many loyal blog readers.

But why is the contest only for those in US - what about the Canadian BGGs like me?!?! Is it the shipping cost? Damn shipping :o(

I second the BGG party...but wait until early November - when I'm in NYC :o)

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

happy nappy anniversary - u getting old jones

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Kay - Yeah, it's the shipping costs. :-(
Times are hard.

Don said...

Happy Blog Anniversary, BGG. I celebrated mines last week. But I didn't have the free giveaway and everything else. I found your blog thru...Antithesis, I think.

I like the way you celebrate.

Interesting post, because I made your blog my Blog of The Week yesterday. Of course, without ever knowing.

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Don - You have a blog AGAIN???? Why do I keep forgetting that??? After the blog beef I assumed you had quit, but were still checking out the blogosphere. I need to go back to Minus the Bars...I miss it! Thanks for the HUGE shout-out! :-)

Tammy said...

You have an awesome blog..and I've never won anything in a contest..really loving the Barack shirt!!

MakeupByRenRen said...

awww congrats on the big 1 year! i'm so glad to have come across your site as well...i've learned so much and i can tell you're such a sweet person...

Anonymous said...

Congratulations on your 1 year blog anniversary!!!!!

Product Junkie Diva said...

COngrats BGG
THis is a huge month for you!
You have always done such a great job with your site and I enjoy reading everything that you write.
Enjoy your anniversary.

Don said...

@bgg: yes, and you are welcome. thanks for the warm words towards my blog. You are a sweet lady.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, BGG!

I really enjoy reading your blog!

Anonymous said...

happy 1 year anniversary

12kyle said...

happy anniversary!! you know i love this blog even tho i know nuffin about makeup and fashion. LOL

Anonymous said...

Happy birthday to youuuuu!
I'm a long-time lurker, first time commenter.

Anonymous said...

I'm new here ( found you on Clutch while readin gback articles ) but am loving the blog content. congrats on an entire year of keeping people interested.

yummy411 said...

happy blog-aversery!!!! congrats on 1 year going strong!

lymariposa said...

Happy Anniversary! and many more anniversaries to come, I always look forward to my daily fashion, beauty, health news from bgg. Congrats on a fabulous blog!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!!
I found your site last month and have made it a daily routine when I get home from college. Thanks for all the information and insights they are greatly appreciated.

Anonymous said...


Mel said...

Happy 1st year anniversary Karla! So happy for you, and sooo happy that I found your blog. And to answer your question, no, I never win contests, so if I won this one, it would seriously be like winning the lotto! hahaha
Anyway, congrats again Karla.

Anonymous said...

Happy 1 Year anniversary! I love your blog!

~a said...

Happy anniversary! I'm one of those who "lurk" on your site but never post comments...until now. : )

p.s. read your Clutch article, cute!

Anonymous said...

Congrats on the great year!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh, jeez. I was just coming by from Clutch to check out the blog and then I see this...I can't pass up a contest (it's sad, I know). Happy anniversary to you!!

And I'm adding you to my blogroll if you don't mind. =)

Kwana said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I'm so glad you started this blog. It's a little sanctuary for my of fashion and beaut. I'm so glad your my blog friend.
Keep up the fab work.

I've won books from blog before being the big bookie that I am.

Suite B said...

Happy 1 year...I haven't been to this blog in a while but the thought of winning some Miss Jessie products will make this natural sister leave a comment....LOL

Ananda said...

happy 1 year anniversary. many blessings.

bored_eats said...

1 year?! WOW! congrats...keep it up cause I know i love your blog! ^_^

cici said...

OMG.. what a great prize give away. I love that Obama shirt:D Happy blogaversay. WTG Don... is that syncronicity or what.. If you win you can pass it along to me, cause I don't see any of those products that you can use...well maybe you can keep the cetaphil.

Karen said...

Congrats on your 1 year of BGG! Your blog rocks and out of all the beauty/fashion ones I like yours the best. Keep up the good work!

Jerise said...


A year in the afrosphere is a pretty big accomplishment. I just recently found your blog but I try to visit as often as I can. Great job.

Boutique Mix Fashion said...

congratulations on the fabulousity, diva!!!!!

Anonymous said...

Happy One Year Anniversary, here's wishing you many more successful years!

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary!!! I wish you many more to come. I LOVE reading the post.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary BG... here's to 10 more!


beautylogicblog said...

congrats to you sweetie!!!!! BGG is a daily part of my morning reads.

K-Bear said...

BGG, sorry for the delayed comment but I've been busy surviving that horrific hurricane. Let me just tell you that hurricanes make scary evil noises like in a horror movie and you seriously wonder if the devil is on top of your house stomping as hard as he can. Okay, I clearly have post traumatic stress disorder but I wanted to say count me in on the contest, Baby! Don't play! After what Ike did to me...and I'm still standing...I'm feeling lucky! Happy Anniversary!

Ondo Lady said...

One year, wow it feels longer than that. I really do enjoy reading your blog as you cover a lot of delightful things. Long may you continue.

Anonymous said...

I love your Blog!Great job!