Thursday, May 10, 2012

Fantasia Talks Motherhood & Beauty with BGG

Since becoming the American Idol back in 2004, Fantasia Barrino has experienced many triumphs, as well as her fair share of trials and tribulations.

From a highly publicized suicide attempt to controversy surrounding her alleged affair with a married man, Fantasia has risen above the drama.  The Grammy-nominated singer, 27, chooses to focus on what's the most important aspect of her life -- being a mother.

Mom to infant son, Dallas Xavier, and daughter, Zion, 11, Fantasia will celebrate this Mother's Day, Sunday May 13th,  here in New York City where she'll be performing in concert with Charlie Wilson at The Paradise Theater in the Bronx.

I caught up with the busy mom to talk motherhood, beauty, and if she still watches the show that made her a household name.

Check out the Q&A:

I know that your son is only a few months old, but so far, how has motherhood been different this time around since having your daughter, Zion?
"Motherhood is amazing! I love it! Being a mother you learn something new about yourself everyday. Having an older daughter, I have gotten comfortable in the way I was raising my child. But having a new addition, it's the start of new ideas. I’m nurturing both of them and in return they are helping me continue to define who Fantasia is. I love my babies!"

Can you describe your ideal Mother's Day? 
I feel like my ideal Mother’s Day is everyday. Zion and Dallas both make me smile everyday without there being any special occasion. They are both still very young so there isn’t much they can give but their love and the special card’s Zion makes at school, which always warms my spirit.

Being a mom myself, I know that it's the hardest, yet most rewarding job in the world. What would you say has been the most challenging aspect of motherhood being an entertainer? 
"I think the most challenging part of being a mother and working not just in the music industry, but any industry would have to me managing your time. I have done a great job at managing my time between work and making sure I am around for every significant moment in my children’s lives."

You've had many hairstyles throughout the years. With so many women going natural lately, would you ever consider it?
"I would consider going natural. I do what makes me feel good at that moment. If going natural so happens to be it, then so be it!"

What are a few of the beauty products that you absolutely can't live without? 
"I love Pink Luster products not only because I have worked with them, but because I've used it since before anyone ever knew who I was. They make great products that not only make your hair look good, but also keep it healthy which is important."

You've overcome so much in your life. What do you do to stay above the drama and as stress-free as possible? Do you do yoga or meditate?
"Praying and keeping God first has always helped me over come any difficulties in my life. I don’t allow myself to stress because it doesn’t change anything."

Do you still watch American Idol
"I still love American Idol and I am spilt between Joshua Ledet and Jessica Sanchez. I love both of them!"

What's your favorite Fantasia song?


  1. Great interview! I love Fantasia and my favorite song of hers is Free Yourself.

  2. I love her! She appears to be happy and normal. May God bless her.

  3. Wow, impressive BBG! She seems really happy!

  4. i loooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooovvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvveeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee her ! My favorite song by Fantasia is Daydreaming and Who's been lovin' u

  5. I forgot to add my favorite Fantasia song! It would have to be "Truth Is!" I used to love that song. Actually, I still do. LOL

  6. I absolutely loved "Bittersweet". I also must admit that I liked "Baby Mama". Don't judge

  7. @Sherita - LOL I used to like that one too! I forgot all about it!

  8. She's one of my favorite artists! That chick can really blow!! No way to pick just one song!!

  9. thats my girl right there love her

  10. Wow, there are a lot of anonymous readers, but I appreciate your comments. :-)

  11. Wow, there are a lot of anonymous readers, but I appreciate your comments. :-)

  12. Nice interview....Fantasia has too many songs that I love
    so I cant just name one. I love them all....
