Wednesday, May 9, 2012

NYC Event Alert: Get Free Skin Cancer Screening

If you're in the New York City area today, be sure to stop by The Skin Cancer Foundation's Road to Healthy Skin Tour bus presented by Aveeno and Rite Aid for a free skin cancer screening. The bus will be at Lincoln Center on 62nd Street between Broadway and Columbus from 11am - 4pm.

Although we BGs are less likely to develop skin cancer due to our darker skin complexions than other groups, doesn't mean that we shouldn't take the proper precautions toward preventing this deadly disease.

Far too often we BGs fail to get screened for melanomas until it's too late. That's why it's important to wear sunscreen, be cognizant of new and existing moles, and get periodically screened.

Have you ever been screened for skin cancer? What's your favorite SPF moisturizer?


  1. i need to get that test. nice post.

  2. I never get tested. This needs to be top of mind for me
