Wednesday, December 3, 2008

Giving Back for the Holidays

Typically, during the holiday season people only think of buying gifts for their friends and family, but with the economy in such poor shape, this year has made many of us think about what is really important – the well-being of our loved ones. So before you indulge in a bit of scaled-back holiday shopping, think about giving back to those who are really in need. BGG has gathered a few websites where you can donate directly to charities or while purchasing goods from some of your favorite stores’ websites.

Have you ever donated to charity or volunteered during the holiday season? If not, will you consider it this year?

Good Shop - In the "Who do you GoodSearch for" box, choose from one of the thousands of charities and schools already listed in their database or add your favorite cause to their list. Next, click through to their partner retailers and start shopping! A percentage of your purchase will go to your favorite charity or school.

Toys For Tots - The mission of the U.S. Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Program is to collect new, unwrapped toys during October, November and December each year, and distribute those toys as Christmas gifts to needy children in the community in which the campaign is conducted.

Unicef Inspired Gifts - Inspired Gifts is an innovative program that allows you to purchase real, lifesaving products--like bednets and vaccines--to be shipped directly to one of over 150 countries where UNICEF is saving children's lives.

**For those BGs who enjoy giving back as well as buying presents for friends and family, stay tuned!


Nicole Rogers said...

I donate to Toys for Tots every year! Sometimes I wish it were tots for toys. (joking) My kids do get on my nerves sometimes though. lol

beautylogicblog said...

I always volunteer for my neighborhood soup kitchen on Christmas eve. You should give back.

Kwana said...

Wonderful post. Thanks for this. I usually do something through my church and do all my donating at the end of the year but we all should do more if we can.

Anonymous said...

Great suggestion!
It's true that the best gift in life is the gift to give.

Wes said...

Another great post- It always feels good to GIVE.

T said...

Fab post!

I volunteered with a food pantry through my job and I volunteer twice a month with the Chicago Women's AIDS Project twice a month.

I'm also going to various holiday parties where the cost of entry is a toy for a tot, so I think that counts. :)

I have a post coming up on giving back too (with a little spin on it, of course).

Again, wonderful topic!

MakeupByRenRen said...

that's a great idea! i was thinking of doing this for my two bosses for the holiday season :)

CC said...

Toys for Tots was big when
I was in elementary school, we use to give canned foods to other organizations as well. Giving is truly caring.

K-Bear said...

BGG, I'm a Christmas scrooge not because I don't love Christ or the whole feel good about giving thing but because people are lulled into believing there's a season to give back. Truth be told, we should all be giving back constantly all year long. I'm always giving back whether it be canned goods for the kids to take to school or tossing a toy in the box at work but I believe the most precious gift of giving is when you give to someone randomly just because you know they have a need that you can meet. I love giving during the holiday season but nothing is better than buying a co-worker lunch when you know she is broke as hell! Happy Holiday, BGG! Give on my sistah, give on!

Anonymous said...

My coworkers and I are buying food and donating it to the local food bank.

On a personal level, My famiily and I are adopting a family for Christmas.

Calming Corners said...

I usually adopt a family or do toys for tots. I also spend hours at a soup kitchen during this time.

Anonymous said...

I normally adopt-a-child for Christmas, but I also give back throughout the year by donating to an organization geared towards inner youth in Chicago. It's very important to give back. You never know when you'll need the same help. Nothing in this World but death is promised.

Anonymous said...

I also say that if you don't have cash give your time...which is a commodity indeed. You can offer to babysit for a night, cook your friend a dinner, offer to clean our their closet, pick up their kids from school...anything that can help out....

Great post...


Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Get Together - Those are all great ideas. Too bad I don't live near any of my family. Otherwise, all my cousins and sisters would get free babysitting! LOL

Anonymous said...

what a great idea!!! i'm going to give back this holiday!!!

Anonymous said...

I'm trying to get my little ones to realize how important giving is, especially during the holidays when they (my babes) expect to get receive presents, so we are buying gifts for two children who really need and deserve Christmas cheer.

Anonymous said...

I always donate through my church. We get a list of necessities for families and wrap and label them. It feels good to help families in need.