Since I have more black in my closet than Marilyn Manson, I would like to incorporate more colors, patterns, etc. to spice up my otherwise dark wardrobe. In addition, I'd love to get out of my ho-hum hair rut and experiment with a new sexy style or cut. I'm not sure when I'll actually execute these makeover aspirations, but I desperately want to add some variety to my look within the next twelve months. Wish me luck!

What are some of your resolutions this year? Is it to work out more, spend more time with family, etc? Or do you avoid making resolutions all together? Please share!
Good luck to you and I hope you are feeling well in all this cold. I hope to get fitter in my body and financially fitter.
Oh and Happy New Year BG. Great to see you back this year!!!
Happy New Year BGG! My goal is to complete a detox. I started the Master Cleanse today so wish me luck.
im not a big resolution-maker. happy new year and good luck with your goals!
Well, I wasn't going to make any resolutions this year because they always seem to fall to the wayside but my BFF changed my I'm going to be diligent about saving money and changing my terrible eating habits for the sake of the kiddos! So farewell to eBay and Five Guys Burgers & Fries....well, maybe I'll just cut back a bit!
no resolutions this year!!!!
happy new year BGG!!
My resolution is to contribute more to my household duties (ie dishwashing, folding clothes, cooking) I vow to stop treating my mom who lives with me as the hired help and do more for my own house.
I don't make resolutions, but I do make short terms goals each year. One of this year's many goals is to get my CC debt down to 1-20% of the total available balances. I'm doing this instead of paying them off completely and having the CC play me by closing them. (They're going for blood lately).
I've been talking about being debt free on 12/31/10 (and working towards the goal) for a while and I can't believe I'm so close. Woo hoo!
Can't wait to see your new haircut, whenever you get it. :)
im going to stop eating junk food!
Happy New Year! Well, in 2010 my wishes are to pay off 90% of my debt (Lord Willing), save more-spend less,and drink more water. Wish me blessings as I wish you and everyone who responded many blessings in your endeavors!
Happy New Year BG!!! I really want to practice more patience this year!!! Patience w/ my weight loss after baby, w/getting back into my sz 6s, career progressions and with my family! Good Luck!
Happy New Year! As per goals I want to be "me" and to smile more.
Thanks for all of the Happy New Year sentiments! :-)
@ T - I hope that I'll finally do something different with my hair. I will definitely show u guys pictures when I do!
i started my resolutions the day after my bday (in Nov)! My main goal is to focus on positivity despite the circumstance.
Praying for you and your lil one!!
Hey BG! Happy New Year! I've been following you for over a year now so my resolution is to not be just a voyeur on your blog in the future..:-) you take care and tell your sis hey...Oh and I'm sure the hair cut is gonna be cute on u...
@joijoy - I love your resolution! Thanks for following me for such a long time. I hope to see more comments from you this year! :-)
I plan on focusing on my health physical and money. Also focusing on sustaining positive relationships.
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