Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Get in Gear!

Since we’re a mere 2 weeks into the New Year, hopefully those who have made a resolution to lose weight or to live an overall healthier lifestyle haven’t fallen off of the wagon just yet! Although working out did not make my resolutions list this year (or ever), it really should be taken seriously and implemented into our daily routines or at least a few times a week. The benefits of working out are abundant and our bodies will thank us accordingly.

Maybe these super cute fitness accessories will jump start my mood to hit the gym. Wishful thinking!

How often do you work out? What's your favorite indoor exercise?

Everlast Boxing Gloves available at for $30

Cap Barbell 32 lb. Neoprene Dumbbell Set available at for $59.99

Resistance Tubes by Natural Fitness available at for $12

Adidas Alexia Mesh Fitness Shoe available at for $64.99

Valeo 65" cm Pink Body Exercise Ball w/Pump available at for $19.99

Apple iPod Arm Band available at for $29

Jansport Duffel Bag available at for $59.99

Jeanette Jenkins "The Hollywood Trainer" (Queen Latifah's personal trainer) Workout Videos: Cardio Dance and Sexy Arms, Abs and Legs DVD available at for $19.95 each

**One lucky reader will win both fitness DVDs (a value of $40). Just leave a comment and a winner will be selected randomly and announced tomorrow!


Stacy said...

This fits with my fitness goals for 2009. Count me in to for a chance to win!

eclectik said...


Love it, you and the blog

Those gloves are cute


EmberRose said...

Boxing is something I've always wanted to do but could never afford. It might be something I try to work in.

You know I always figured that Queen Latifah just worked out on her own and her big thin was Jenny Craig. She's actually one of my inspirations for weight loss!

Eb the Celeb said...

Man why did you have to remind me. I really have not been making the best of all the money I give to the gym every month. I play my nintendo wii though so does that count?

When I get in a groove though I start off with running 3-5 miles on the elliptical machine. I hate the treadmill but me and the elliptical can go all day.

B said...

I'm pretty much obsessed with working out. I'm either in the gym or outside running every day. I would love to box. But I can't wait for the summer to start swimming. Yay for fitness!

Kwana said...

I don't workout nearly enough. I should at least 4 days a week.

Wes said...

Excellent post... I JUST got back into my gym routine this week. I'm soooo sore right now!

Nerd Girl said...

Working out keeps me sane (or relatively sane anyhoo).

My favorite workout is about 30 minutes with the free weights and then 45 minutes or so on the elliptical.

Anonymous said...

i still have my ballys membership from 2002. i dont use it too much but i do use the free weights i have at home.

Ms. SoChic said...

I LOVE those boxing gloves. I used to kickbox and have a pair of everlast gloves in blue but the pink ones may give me an excuse to get back into kickboxing. One of my goals this year is to run a half marathon. I started training but I have a looooong way to go.

Calming Corners said...

These items are so cute and girly. Yes I have fitness goals, to stay consistend and focus on overall health. Mind body and spirit.

Working out in the morning really wakes me up, if I don't I am not fully functional till about 10am.


Anonymous said...

My schedule during the week is soooooo busy between work, my kids, my husband and church obligations, I have been unable to join a gym. So for Christmas we got the Wii and my husband bought me the Wii Fit game. I love it! I workout every morning, doing Yoga, cardio, aerobics, boxing etc. Now I have no excuse why I can not workout.

rorysmomma said...

I would absolutely love to win these DVD's! I can stand to get in shape, after two babies, I no longer have a waste, Hell it is a wasteland.

Anonymous said...

I have a bunch of dvds that I always say I'm going to do, they remain in the drawer with the original wrapping. Maybe this year I will finally dust them off!

Anonymous said...

Love the Alexia Mesh shoes and the price is right.

MakeupByRenRen said...

i did my first workout of the year yesterday, i'm going back today for more!

K-Bear said...

HA! I never work out but I know I should. So I think I'm going to try walking every other day to start. I've already mapped the neighborhood Walgreens at exactly one mile from home. So all I have to do is empty my pockets before I head in that direction or I will surely walk right in there and treat my tired body to some Blue Bell ice cream!

By the way, I love the arm Ipod!

T said...

I hope I win those DVDs! I have a 10 minute Pilates video at home. It's awesome, but you can only do that so many times.

I'm happy to say I have kept up with my fitness goals. I've lost 6 pounds so far. (Remember all that weight I gained for the wedding this summmer... it had to go).

Nicole Rogers said...

My abs of steel and I divorced a few years ago after the 2nd We might get back together in the future though! My fitness goal this year is 10 pounds!

Anonymous said...

Hello All!!!
Wow this seems like a great gift!! I'm a newbie to the fitness regime but after a week of trying on jeans that no longer fit my already curvy frame-- I'm ready to get up and start doing something!!! Count me in!!!

Missy said...

I'm loving the Jansport duffel bag.

Anonymous said...

Does it count as "falling off the wagon" if you never started your New Year's resolution? You can't fail if you don't try right? hmmm

Phyllis Bourne said...

I dusted off my elliptical and have been hitting it every morning at 5:30.

I love those boxing gloves and that bag!

antithesis said...

i'm trying to get back into my workout routine. i think i will start doing two-a-days

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

I've heard so many great things about the Wii Fit; I should look into getting one too!

Anonymous said...

@BGG... Girl I am telling you, the Wii and the WiiFit is a great investment, plus it gives you daily body tests, it reminds you that you missed a day, and you can set a goal for yourself. The only thing it's missing is a nutritionist, but I have a daily diet journal and I write down what I ate/drank each day....

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Jay - Thanks for the tips! I might ask my hubby to buy one for me for my b-day. I played on my niece's Wii during the holidays and the sporting games were so much fun, especially the bowling one!

Anonymous said...

Love the gear and the blog. I so need to get my arse in gear that its not funny.

Anonymous said...

wow, great post BGG. I so needed this for the extra push. all items noted.

can you bring on a nutrition expert for a superfit celeb? i'd love to hear the inside scoop, straight from the source - BGG!

Anonymous said...

Breakin a sweat in style. loves it!