I was recently thumbing through a high-fashion magazine and saw a slew of outrageously priced items including, sunglasses, shoes, handbags jewelry, etc. It made me wonder, "What item would be so tempting that I'd have to forgo the rent to have it added to my wardrobe?" After realizing that would never happen, I decided that my guilty pleasure would probably be to splurge on a pair of timeless, dazzling diamond earrings!
What item would be worth breaking the bank for you? Would it be super sexy stilettos, the latest designer purse, a vintage dress, etc.? Have you ever paid an extremely high price tag for an item you just had to have?
Please share!
I am a shoe girl, so right now I am loving these 4.5 inch heels from Alexander McQueen’s summer collection that are adorned with Swarovski crystals. So fierce! Problem is, they cost $2,975. No can do. I guess I just have to keep imagining how they would have looked on my feet. *sigh*
I still can't bring myself to pay more than $30 for jeans. Why? I don't know. And its not like I couldn't afford it now and then. I just feel like if I can get it cheaper, and just as cute (most of the time) I should just go the cheaper route. Plus the economy sucks!! (that's my fav excuse)
I have this battle with myself all the time while shopping. I'll see something but then I'm like couldn't I get that at Forever 21 for like $5? Lol.
One day... I'll let myself splurge and spoil myself. But honestly... I like leaving the store with bags and bags of "clearance" items. And most of the time those are the items that get the most compliments...
SHOES and HANDBAGS! I only carry Coach bags/totes. I seem to only like those. It doesn't have anything to do with the fact that it says Coach. Once in a while, I'll splurge for the super expensive pair of shoes or handbag. My motto is that I only live once and I don't work to only pay bills!
suits and shoes are my weaknesses. i haven't spent a paycheck on either because i have discipline, but i long for the day i can just walk in the st. john store and pick up a bad suit without caring about the price!
BGG, I'm one of those rare women who doesn't love to shop, however, I do have my moments. I went all out and bought a coat once that was waaayyyy out of the boundaries of my tiny little budget but I had to have it. I still have it and I still HATE it. It wreaked so much havoc in my life, I never did enjoy wearing it. I actually resented the coat as if it was the coat's fault and whenever anyone would compliment me on my fabulous coat I would blurt out some negativity cause I was mad at my coat! ahahaha I'll never do it again!
You know, I don't really know what I would splurge on. I am always so conscientious when it comes to spending money on clothes that I just can't really imagine splurging on anything...maybe a nice pair of shoes and some well fitting too cute jeans. I don't know.
I'm pretty sure it would be shoes. I had that opportunity when I was in France to forgo the rent for two pairs of HOT shoes. I didn't... I should have. Womp.
i would spurge on a fancy party dress
Definitely shoes, or a great pair of jeans.
I'm not the splurging type. I always try to get some sort of discount or free shipping or tax-free. I will splurge if there is a special event and I don't have time to bargain hunt or something like that. I strongly believe that almost any look can be created and well on a budget. If not, I just let that dream die.
I'd splurge on a handbag. I wish i could splurge on shoes, but I beat them up too much on the new york streets! I really just splurge on plane tickets!
I haven't done it yet, but I would splurge on one of those get away resort/retreat type spas where I'm waited on hand & foot and pampered at every turn.
i would splurge on some chicago cubs tickets front row
It would have to be a an over-sized handbag. Even though I feel guilty for spending more than what I should or need to, a great bag keeps everything I need to get through the day.
It's a woman's staple so why not have one that looks great too. It's something I'd get use of out everyday.
I've yet to make such a purchase but I'll be on the lookout for.... the one... lol
I have splurged on several things my Chanel caviar tote and YSL tribute heels but they are both classic piece that are investment other than that. all my other stuff is thrift n vintage finds
Great post!
I used to be a shoe girl but can't walk in heels for too long anymore so now it's Mulberry handbags every time.
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