Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Are You a Cover Girl?

Although I didn't have one of these cute cover-ups while on my mini-Miami vacay, I will definitely pack one on my next trip to the beach. These super chic sarongs, tunics and swim dresses are perfect for the BG who doesn't want to bare it all, but still wants to look fashionably beach-ready.

Do you like to bare your body on the beach or are you more of a cover girl?

City Style Beaded Trim Sarong available at www.newyorkandco.com for $18.71

Embroidered Boho Cover-up Tunic available at www.victoriassecret.com for $85

Feather Swirl Coastal Kaftan available at www.althea.gap.com for $89

Love Shop Stacy Beaded Tunic available at Intermix for $89-119

Michael Kors Point Break Tunic available at www.lordandtaylor.com for $29.99

O Beach Salsa Cover-up available at www.figleaves.com for $23.10

Plunge Cover-up Tunic available at www.victoriassecret.com for $22.99

O Beach Wahine Cover-up available at www.figleaves.com for $23.10

Strapless Ruffle Cover- Up available at www.victoriassecret.com for $24


Kwana said...

Cover for sure! These are super cute.

K-Bear said...

The last time I went without a cover was in Daytona Beach a few years ago. It's over. From now on I'm a cover girl but my cover needs to be sheer pants! Awww to be young again!

Daba said...

Both(but mostly a cover girl).
These are very cute!

antithesis said...

i'll be going to VA beach this weekend and i have a pretty blue strapless cover up. i HAVE to cover up. no one wants to see all my jelly.

Unknown said...

i cover up with loose tanks if its not too hot, otherwise i stay in the water like the pisces that i am

Phyllis Bourne said...

Those are so cute!

mimieyes said...

Love all of them. great selection of colors and styles.
I love Feather Swirl Coastal Kaftan.

Rebee said...

I am a cover girl. Maybe one day I'll have enough nerve to bare it all.

CC said...

These are sooooo cute I love them all. Yes I am for sure a cover girl. When my thighs stop smiling back at me, I will adore the cover from the hanger. :) Until then I will wear it.

While you are at the beach don't forget to protect your skin.


leonbasin said...

So nice!! Recently, I brought very cute pink color dress from WomenWithin store through CouponPundits site....

Anonymous said...

I love the Victoria's Secret cover up