Prior to using the abdominal wrap, I had heard conflicting stories from other mothers about whether or not the concept of binding actually helps flatten stomachs and redefine waists. I asked myself, What could it hurt to try? So I decided to give it a go and hoped for the best.

Throughout weeks of feedings and never-ending diaper duty, my once-burgeoning belly stayed bound with this band. While helping to hold everything in place, it also provided back support, which was an added bonus. Around 6 weeks post-partum (I took it off from time to time) I decided to give the wrap a rest and couldn't have been more pleased with the results.
Granted, I'm not sure how my belly would've looked post-partum had I not used the wrap, but I'd like to think that this nifty undergarment played a part in helping me regain my pre-pregnancy figure fast.

This photo was taken a little less than 7 weeks after giving birth.
Prices start at $45.95. Visit for more information.
Have you ever used an abdominal wrap after childbirth?
wow. it seems to have really worked. looking good, mama. that sounds like something i wish i knew about. is it too late to try it??? what about if the child is 3 years old? do i still have a chance of having a flatter belly lololol???
You better work, hot mama! I don't have any bambinos yet, but I will tell my expecting cousin about this.
You look great! I don't have children yet so I haven't had a need to use one but you better believe, I'm going to try it when the time comes. Thanks for the review.
I didn't use anything after I had my son. My belly did a natural deflate. LOL However, does it work for non-pregnant women?!
I hate to be a sour puss but I firmly believe that you would look exactly the same had you not used that contraption. I believe the ability to snap back is all in your DNA BUT you do look awesome so whatever. I would still recommend it to other women in the family can't hurt!
Thanks for the compliments. :-)
@Rebee - ahahaaha I don't think it works after the first two or three months post-pregnancy.
@K-Bear, You know it might be genetics, but it sure doesn't hurt to try it!
Oh and I would like to add that my belly is much bigger now - thanks to my gummi bear addiction! That photo was taken in March! ahahahah
does the belly bandit work for a beer belly? (fingers crossed)
I just came across your blog by the way of someone else...but I agree it does work. I was given a different kind of band at the hospital to wear after having my son. I lived in it. And honestly I do believe it helped.
Get it BGG! You look great, glowing like usual. My mom swears by these things and urged my sister to use it as well. I will be wrapping it up after I have a child too.
you look great!
I'm currently using the Belly Bandit because I had a myectomy (fibroid tumor removal) 7 weeks ago. The band provides much support and I can tell that my belly has gone down significantly. I'm very pleased and I will continue to wear the band for a while.
You look great for a new mom
@T - Thanks so much! Yes, I highly recommend you use one too when you have your little kiddies. :-)
way to show off your sexy self!
Hey BGG you look great.
COngrats on working with Parade!!!!!
Yeah that wrap wasn't the was all that new york walking that slimmed you down! lol But I'm sure the wrap was fun to wear!
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