When it comes to cleansing my body, I've always preferred liquid soaps and shower gels over bar soaps. That was until the other day when I ran out of my tried and true Suave Tropical Coconut shower gel and was forced to use my husband's regular Irish Spring bar soap. To my surprise, it lathered well and actually had a refreshingly pleasant scent. Plus, it left my skin feeling clean and soft.
Since I was so pleased with the results, I'm now considering giving my fruity-smelling favorites a break and picking up a few bar soaps instead. Hey, change is good!
Do you find that you get stuck using your favorite products without giving new ones a try?
Check out some of these bar soaps:

Avon Moisturizing Cleansing Bar Soap available at www.avon.com for $4

Bliss Serious Seaweed Cellulite Soap available at www.sephora.com for $14

Clinique 3 Little Soaps with Travel Dish available at www.sephora.com for $15

Dove Go Fresh Cool Cucumber and Green Tea Beauty Bar available at www.drugstore.com for $3.49

Fresh Mangosteen Soap available at www.sephora.com for $14

Indigo Wild Mumosa Soap with Bow available at www.smallflower.com $5.60

Pangea Organics White Sage Bar Soap available at www.tobi.com for $6

Kiehl's Non-Soap Water Bar available at www.saks.com for $9.50

L'Occitane Shea Butter Extra Gentle Soap avaiable at www.loccitane.com for $10

Origins Gloom Away Grapefruit Bath Bar available at www.dillards.com for $13

Red Flower Soap and Dish Japanese Peony Set available at www.beautyhabit.com for $18