RapidLash is a popular brand of eye lash renewal serum that’s applied like eyeliner to your top lashes. It’s supposed to increase the darkness, thickness and length of your lashes within 4 weeks. I used it every night for about 2 weeks and believe it or not, I saw a huge change in my lashes; they seemed longer than ever! However, I read an article about how these formulas in the long-run could result in major eye trauma, which of course scared me to death so I have since stopped using it. But while I did use it, I was pleased with the results.
**UPDATE** I've been informed that contrary to other brands' potential health concerns, RapidLash is paraben-free, with vital proteins and vitamins, including pumpkin seed and licorice extracts that help replenish and fortify lashes. So perhaps, I'll give it another go!
Would you ever try a lash-lengthening formula?

RapidLash available at www.rapidlash.com for $49.95
yea, not after reading this post! plus my lashes are thick and full but i always wonder if they will thin out as i get older...
whoa i didnt know about all that! i used ardell brow and lash enhancer once and it seemed to make a bit of a difference...but i guess i'll just stick to my falsies for now, lol
no, never but i would like to learn how to apply fake lashes.
Aw man! You gave us a new beauty treatment, then took it right back. I already wear contacts (and sometimes sleep in them), so I don't need any more trauma to my eyes.
Otherwise it seemed like a good idea.
BGG, why bother when you can just have fake ones put on for half that price! Kitty Vodka, it's easy if you have a steady hand. If you don't, just practice, practice, practice. The good news is you can buy the very inexpenive ones to practice with. When you get sick of all that work, go to your local salon, sit back and let the experts do what they do! BTW, young BGs my lashes have not thinned out BUT I have several gray ones! Don't mean to scare you but in case you didn't know, the day will come! Dahum!
You know I'm obsessed with major lashes too and tried RevitaLash and it didn't work. And I can't quite get down with the fake lashes so I'm still on the hunt for the world's best mascara!
uh oh, they can cause trauma? I hope not!
I'm working on a false eye lash post too. Stay tuned! :-)
@T - I really do love this product because it actually works, but the possible long-term side effects frightens me too much. I'd never want you guys to feel like I'd present something to you that I would never try or have stopped using. :-) I wish I wasn't afraid to keep using it!. :-(
not for me lady!!!
BGG, I would definitely try this product since you say you saw good results. I'm thinking I wouldn't have to worry about long-term use since it works. You use it, it works....it's over and you have fabulous lashes that don't slip out of place when you're sleeping!
This product was developed after noticing glaucoma patients having thicker lashes after treatments. This ofcourse was from eyedrop run off. In a mascara wand form I don't think you would be getting any of it into your eye to drop the eye pressure. Just a thought.
Revitalash is a very similar product and actually works! You know how I feel about non-FDA approved products (just stay away). I'd say give it about ten years and check back if you are still nervous!
yes i have marni lash which is amazing! I really see the difference
I tried mascara once years ago. I don't like putting make-up around my eyes.
It's like a perm for lashes lol. Hmmm, I might give it a shot. I have the most curled up lashes in the world and nothing has worked so far (other than extensions). But I'm still searching for that perfect 'scara do we'll see.
I do believe that once an a while a small sacrifice for beauty or fashion is allowed, but to if it doesn't do the job forget it...move on! But if it works enjoy it.
Thanks for nothin'!! lol.. But thanks for the heads up though b/c I was ready to run out and make a purchase. I wanted to try the Revitalash, which does the same thing except its MUCH more expensive ($150).
@Wes - No, I'm going to continue using it now that I understand that it doesn't present the same potential hazards as the other brands.
I've never tried it but i'm so curious. I hate wearing mascara cause it always smears but this seems like the perfect alternative. I'm anxious to try it!
There are two of these products that I wanted to get my hands on, one is sold at Sephora for a little over $100 bucks and another being sold for $150 and I was deciding which one to get. Thanks to your post I will get neither. However the ingredients in the brand you selected may be a winner. :-)
"This product was developed after noticing glaucoma patients having thicker lashes after treatments..."
This part is not true. There WAS a certain cosmetic company that found out that patients on a glaucoma were having a side effects from a prostaglandin in their medication which was causing their lashes to grow to annoying lengths. Her company formulated a cosmeceutical products which a. dispensed a drug without a prescription and b. enfringed on the pharaceutical comapnycomapny's product. Then is was recalled for safety.
Meanwhile, other companies manufactured products with prostaglandins to produce a similar effect. RapidLash IS NOT one of them.
RapidLash uses peptides, antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, and hyaluronic acids. No parabens. No prostaglandins. Opthalmologist tested, and safe for contact lens wearers, according to manufacturer.
I have NO eyelashes, so this is a product I am researching thoroughly, I HATE being ripped off! I am just wondering about the science involved here because if "peptides, antioxidants, vitamins, and essential fatty acids, and hyaluronic acids" can spur eyelash growth why can't these foolproof elements do the same for scalp roots? But I am going to try it - I really don't think it could still be out there if it was capable of doing too much damage. There seem to be more positive results than not. I will update you on the results.
Rapidlash contains a quasi prostaglandin analogue, which is a drug. I am concerned that they are using smoke and mirrors to fool people. Is it safe, likely but be upfront, why hide the truth. In addition, Rapidlash sells for 50.00, but only lasts 1-2 months, while other similar products cost 150.00, they last 6 months. Same cost, except the other brands have been out for a couple years and have demonstrated safety and effect! I am concerned over the misleading marketing, this product has a prostaglandin analogue, and it costs the same as the rest of the products.
@Gail I'm researching this product and so far I'm leaning away from a purchase. You mentioned that RapidLash isn't permanent - where did you find that information? "Rapidlash sells for 50.00, but only lasts 1-2 months, while other similar products cost 150.00, they last 6 months"
Hey its been a year since we talked about Rapid Lash. Does anyone have any follow up on it? I just spoke with someone yesterday who uses it and looks amazing. Every post I've read is from people who've used it for only weeks or a few months. What about longer term?
I've been using it for 2 years and I love it!!!! Definitely delivers on giving you long lashes. Even other people notice! No adverse effects for me, so I'll keep using it.
I have used it for a month but stopped upon noticing that I was also growing hair way above the eyelids and got scared I might look like an owl. It is expensive, in Canada it is $60, but I was afraid I might end up spending more to take them out. Will the growth above the lids drop off after a certain period of not using it? Would anyone know or experience the same?
i am an aesthetician and have used rapid lash. it does make one's lashes look thicker and longer BUT during a routine eye exam i was found to have elevated eye pressure and was told i may have glaucoma. i stopped using it and after being monitored for a year my eye pressure has gone down. although the product really worked i am not going to use it any longer nor recommend it for my clients.
I'm totally new to this. Thank you for this educative post you share.
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