Check out some of these fabulous female-friendly gadgets! (Note: Most of these items are available pretty in pink if that's your preference!)

Apple Macbook starting at $1099.00 at

Logitech v220 Cordless Optical Laptop Mouse available at for $34.99

Apple iPod 8GB Nano available at for $199

Verizon Blackberry Curve available at for $579.99

Garmin 200 GPS available at for $152.99

Aiptek 5.0 Megapixel Digital Camcorder available at for $149.99

Canon Powershot 8.0 Megapixel ELPHA Digital Camera available at for $229.99
Are you a gadget guru? What's your must-have tech item?
my girl has that camera..its super cute.
ooohhhh you left the ipod on the must have been pissed lol..ugh i would be so mad...
but new playlists ^_^
I love gadgets! My Berry is the best thing ever with the iPod and camera coming in at a close second.
okay i am getting into the gadgets and gizmos slowly. i got an ipod last year. i use it more. i need to upgrade my phone. the b-berry looks good, but ouch on the price.
i gotta co-sign with B. the blackberry is the best thang since sliced bread.
i'll be getting the curve very soon but for about $200.
good post
camera is essential for all the photo opps out at night.
i hate to admit that i have most of these thing (in pink)...i'm so not a techy, but my hubby is, so it kinda rubbed off-and i really use all of this stuff!
@Everyone - I really don't know why that BB is priced so high, but I'm sure you can get them for MUCH less through your carrier (i.e T-Mobile, etc.)
I never leave home without my ipod! How is the new generation ipod? I have an older one but can't splurge on a new one right now, do u think it's worth it?
I actually have the curve! I love it.
What a surprise to see you writing about gadgets.
I love them. iPod is a must at least for me.
The Garmin GPS is also a must since my sense of direction is nothing to brag about it.
Of course a Mac is the bible but I definitely will look into the pink mouse and I do need a new camera and video.
BGG, I'm not a gadget girl either and I'm not even sure what an Ipod is BUT I do love my blackberry. It was forced upon me by my employer so I had no choice but to embrace it. I'm so glad I did. It still takes me a while to send a simple text message but I'm getting there! On another note, my niece just had a baby and she has a pacifier that automatically closes up if you drop it! Now that's high tech & you don't have to be a gadget girl to appreciate it! What will they come up with next?!
@K-Bear - The pacifier that closes when you drop it - ingenious!!! Wow, what took them so long? LOL
for some reason it's so hard for me to shell out $ for technology, lol...i can drop $250 at MAC but buy a camera for that it's a bit harder...i do really need a GPS though!
I'm SO not a gadget person.
I was the last person to get a digital camera (mainly because I break cameras and didn't want to spend a lot of money on something I'd drop).
I JUST got an iPod (like a year ago) but everyone else had them WAY before me.
I don't have an iPhone or Blackberry (tools I actually desperately need for work).
I don't have a laptop. You saw my post about wanting a MAC. It'll be a Christmas present to myself.
Actually, for the next month, I'll still be a DSL subscriber. (Ick... I know)
The only gadget I really want (but just keep forgetting to buy) is a toothbrush sanitizer. I'm a complete germophobe and I saw it in a Airmall magazine on a plane. It's like $30, but I don't want to pay the shipping and handling, so I've tried to find it at the Sharper Image or Brookstone or something. To no avail.
I'm all about gadgets, but luv my iPhone the most.
While I have a newish MacBook, I do my best writing on my oh-so-slow, beat-up, four year old iBook. I've had it repaired three times @$297 a pop, replaced the battery twice and the power cord once. I'm like a toddler who won't let go of a grimy blanket about it.
Also keep a camera in my purse.
I am not a gadget girl at all. Literally i'll buy them, use it for like a week, get bored with it and resell them on e-bay. I don't know what my deal is.
I have the Apple iPOD Nano and a Canon Powershot camera...I got mine for under $200 though...I'm always on the lookout for pink girly gadgets so thanks for this post!! :)
That Blackberry Curve looks dreamy! And I'm all about things in pinks and purple. I like going to places like Best Buy and looking at all the cool stuff but I wouldn't label myself as a "gadget guru" or anything.
Good post!
i dont know if im a gadget girl or not. i just need the basics and i like to have nice versions of them. i have the macbook and the ipod. i want a blackberry but it not the end of the world if i never get one. my digital camera is like 4 years old and im ok with that...
You know I am so not a gadget girl either. I don't own one single up to date gadget and you know what, I'm okay with that. To be truthful, they just don't interest me. I guess I'm an old-fashioned girl at heart ;)
I love my Garmin GPS system, it makes me feel like I can never get lost.
I really enjoy great gadgets.
great post.
Yes I am huge gadget guru, I am one of the people that prob need to go to a stay away from eletronics retreat!
I have that phone and I need that camera thanks for this post. I lost my ipod also.
i got have my ipod.
I'm in upgrade mode like crazy. I've recently upgraded my computer, and now it's time to do the same to my phone.
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