Who doesn't love Michelle Obama? This First Lady hopeful has everything that we BGs admire - intelligence, style, power and grace. This month she's gracing the covers of both
Ebony and
Essence (she's with her family on this cover) magazines. Despite the negative characteristics that the mainstream media try to portray of her, she remains poised. I personally think she is the epitome of what it means to be a strong BG woman today!
Cover image courtesy of Ebony
Cover image courtesy of EssenceWhat do you guys think of the soon-to-be First Lady? Do you think she's a style icon in the making?
I love Mrs. Obama! She's like that fly Auntie that you only see at family reunions. I am so glad that my younger Black sisters get to witness a professional woman who can also be a loving Mother and wife. We need to see more Michelles! She is truly a great First Lady....and yes, I've already claimed that Barak will win! Happy Thursday, BGG!
Amen sista. The next Jackie O in the impact of First Lady Style. I don't think we've had a first lady since Jackie with so much classic taste.
i think she is very pretty
I love Mrs. Obama as well!!! She's an excellent representation of a beautiful black woman: She's articulate, has a LOT of class and style, plus she's a hip mom. Great post!!
i love me some michelle. she's so classy! i def. appreciate her style and i'm glad the nation does as well.
BGG, I'm about to cry. I love Michelle Obama for many reasons, the least of them is her style. Don't get me wrong, she is very stylish, chic, sophisticated and put together but she is just so much more than what she wears. For me she represents the truth being unveiled. For too long, BGs have been misrepresented and now we have Michelle showing them who we really are and why our community (after enduring so much wrong BS) is still standing. We (as a people) are still standing because we have many Michelles! We may not have her clothes, her hair stylist or her education but many of us have her strength and her poise and her spirit! I love that she is representing the true Black Woman in America...holding it down for her man and her babies and looking good while doing it. Now! Take that!
@K-Bear - Oh I know that she is WAY more than her sense of fashion. I just added that as a fun tidbit. She is such a role model for young women like myself; I just happen to admire her style too. :-)
Mrs. Obama is what so many of us strive for, style, intelligence, family oriented what's not to love? The Ebony cover is by far the best.
BGG, I know you know how amazing Michelle is, I just got overwhelmed by that magazine cover. This is just such an exciting time for all of us. I feel so extremely proud of her, it's crazy! And whatever that is she's wearing it's fabulous! Thanks for the heads up, I'll be getting both those magazines today!
damn, im in love with this woman, I mean love this woman. lol
She like Barack, will be like no other.
OBAMAs 08'
she is truly impeccable...
I met her and Barack in person (and started crying like a baby, but that's besides the point). She's so pretty up close and nice AND tall, like 1 inch shorter than Barack in short heels.
She's also from my hometown, went to my high school and we get our hair done at the same salon. I'm not saying I'm on the road to being her... I'm just sayin'.
i love her! she was on GMA this morning and she is just ure eloquence. LOVE HER!!!!!
Her style has grown on me... Initially I thought she was doing things all wrong... especially with the hair... but lately she has been super sheek... and has not done wrong in my eyes in a long time...
Michelle is amazing and the whole family looks great on the essence cover, I'm jealous!
I can't think of one thing about this woman that I don't like. Her sense of style is impeccable, her poise is unmatched, and the love that she has for her husband and family is so inspiring. I feel so blessed to be living in this historical moment where we are starting at our first African American president and first lady right in the face.
Great post BGG!!
i love her!!! she is the epitome of class and grace. she has beauty and intelligence.
i'll leave you with an old southern saying
she's finer than frog hair
Can't you just see her in the White House, holding press conferences and making a difference with her hubby the President. My goodness! We should keep them in our prayers cause evil jealousy will rear it's ugly head for sure and attack her like no other. By the way, isn't she far more beautiful and classy and well spoken that all those before her including Jackie O. Michelle puts Jackie to shame. Sorry but when we finally break thru in any area we just SHINE! So proud to be a BG! Go Michelle!
I have a great respect for Michelle not only she is pretty but she is smart and very self-assured. And not to mention a unique style.
The woman is just flawless and you can tell she is truly Obama's rock. They are such a lovely family!
she looks like oprah winfrey sometimes !!! wicked ! i'll vote for them if i could
Michelle Obama has style!! I hope she continue to speak her mind.
i love it love it love it!! though kudos to essence for giving her hair a modern but conservative touch that's just her style. the ebony one is oprah-esque circo 1989. LOL still love it though... and look at my babies!!! they are growing so big!!
I definetely think she is. I think there is this ridiculous misconception in America that you either have to be chic and fabulous OR smart and sensible, but you can't possibly be both. I think when women like Michelle are in the forefront showing not just us women, but more importantly, little girls, that you can look great and speak your mind, well, is there anything more positive for the youth of America?
his daughters look adorable
Michelle Obama is a style icon in her own right.
Michelle Obama is the epitome of finerwomanhood: intelligence, grace, style, commitment to her family, etc. etc. Since I've already claimed it, I am happy to say she is our First Lady.
i love this post. michelle and the family look fabu.
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