This oil-free, weightless mist holds foundation, eye shadows, blush and concealer in place creating a matte finish. It absorbs excess oil, which in turn reduces shine so that your face will glow, but not glisten. In the past I've used blotting papers, but this is much better and quite refreshing!

Spray on just before your makeup and after. Available at Skindinavia for $29 for a 4 oz. bottle (which lasts about 4 months).
What do you use to curtail oily skin?
ive used a few things. mac blot powder. mac matte primer. mac finishing power. never any spray but i might have to check this out.
brilliant! i shine so much in the summer. I prefer to call it shimmering, however.
I always go as simple as possible with my make up as to not have the build up and I try buy oil free. I like the simple look in summer.
Peace, Love and Chocolate
@Redbonegirl97 - Good point, less is more in the summer! ;-)
i have fallen in love with cosmedicine oil control matte lotion, forget the actual name but it is great. and i use it in combonation with the cosmedicine oil control spray. it doesnt keep me oil free all day but it is sooo much better than when i don't use it. i use blot sheets in between and it is great.
I was thinking of making a homemade toner. But not sure what to use as of yet. I may have to go back to blotting paper for the time being.
I always thought of the spray as something you use just for foundation, I always use tinted moisturizers. But as far as concealers this may help it last longer.
i have been looking for something. i will try this product!
Never used a spray before. I use Rose illusion Correcteur Rides by La Prairie and I never need to blot. I use it under my make-up. I might try this spray for a bit of variety. Happy Friday;-)
i just try to wash my face
I use my MAC powder but I feel like a ghost until it sets and that's not good. I've used blotting sheets but they don't work for very long. Basically, I need to try this stuff. My shine is out of control already and summer isn't even here yet!
I'm not much of a make-up girl, but I have tried clay facial masks. I've used Dermalogica's Skin Refining Masque and Sebum Clearing Masque. I like both but I feel that the Sebum Clearing Masque does more because it also targets those breaks-outs that I occasionally get from having extremely oily skin.
Believe it or not Milk of Magnesia works wonders to combat oily skin! I received the tip from a friend. I simply apply if prior to my foundation and I'm good! I have EXTREMELY oily skin.
lately i've just been pawning my shine off as a "dewy glow"
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