I use balm, butter, jelly or whatever it may be called as a base to get my kisser nice and moist. With so many flavors, textures, tubes and jars, it's easy to find one that's right for you. No matter what your product preference, this process is crucial to applying liners, lipsticks and glosses easily and smoothly.
For me, skipping this simple step is a no-no. If for some reason I forget to apply my lip treatment first, it screws up the whole look and feel of my lips. Maybe it's just me, but I'm obsessed with getting my pucker just right!
Here are a few of my favorite lip moisturizers:

Hershey's Lip Balm Trio available at www.sephora.com for $16

Vaseline Intensive Care Lip Treatment available at www.drugstore.com for $1.69

Tarte Slide Lip Balm available at www.sephora.com for $12

Rosebud Salve available at www.sephora.com for $5.59

Palmer's Lip Butter available at www.drugstore.com for $1.99

MAC Tinted Lip Conditioner available at www.maccosmetics.com for $14.50

L'Occitane Shea Butter Lip Balm available at www.sephora.com for $10
OMG!!! I sooo feel u on this one! I can NOT leave the house without out C.O. Bigelow Rose Salve... it is THEE best!!
BGG, I'm so glad you have found what works for you but I'm one of the lucky ones born with the perfect pout! Please forgive me for tooting my own horn but it is what it is. Holla! :-) Seriously, I prefer the matte look, however, during the colder months I need a little something to keep things soft and kissable!
I'm a big balm girl! Once again you have my fave. I love Rosebud Slave.
L'Occcitane is the best.
I adore a woman who treats her lips. I find that sexy and attractive. Especially when they have that clean shiny look.
I swear by Kiehl's Lip Balm #1. For chapped lips, I buff them with C.O Bigelow Mentha Lip Buffer and then moisturize. Always does the trick!
lipgloss addiction imay just be a serious condition.
That Tarte slide is soooo cute. But I will forever be in love with that MAC Lip Conditioner. I'm glad you didn't post Carmex. People seem to love it but it smells soooo bad.
@ Divine -- I LOVE MAC lip conditioner!!!! I HATE CARMEX!!!! My husband uses it for chapped lips. I hate the smell!!!
I will be going to the MAC store. I have very full lips that need attention.
i agree...you can rock the lip balm by itself or as a base, but never the reverse. can't do anything without the balm! i love ROSEBUD and C.O.Bigelow
My favorite lip prep is Blistex's DCT. It keeps my pout soft and even heals it from dryness in the colder months - I love it :)
i'm no expert in lip balm...but i'm surprised burt bees didnt make the list.
The perfect pout, now i have heard it all lol
I am pucker obsessed as well and I also like my balm to have a nice scent. The first blam that you listed (hershey) has a really authentic scent which I can appreciate. However the other version of that product is supposed to smell like soda...it almost made me sick.
Thanks for sharing your favs.
Product Junkie Diva
@1980 -- I've actually never tried Burt's Bees! Maybe I should give it a go!
@Product Junkie -- That's terrible that the soda flavored balm made you sick. Thanks for the heads-up!
Girl, whatchu know about that Palmers's?!? I haven't been able to find the Lip Butter out here but I use the full-blown cocoa butter stick and it really moisturizes!
I am an avid lip balm fan. I love ths tuff and my lips feel bare without it. I have some from the Body Shop and now I have moved onto the jars from Lush. Lets say the name befits it.
Unfortunately, my lips have an allergic reaction and I dislike sugary smells to most clear lip balms. Aveda and Kiehl's clear lip balms are the only brands I can safely use.
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