Monday, May 18, 2009

Bio-Oil...Magic in a Bottle?

You've probably seen the commercials or perhaps you've even tried it - Bio-Oil, the latest craze in beauty. Produced in South Africa, this popular skin-care remedy is taking American consumers by storm. Packed with Vitamin A and E, Calendula, Lavendar and Rosemary oils, Chamomile extract and PureCellin Oil, Bio-Oil is the fastest growing skin-care product in the world. The oil contains no preservatives and is supposed to minimize the appearance of stretch marks, hyper-pigmentation, scars, as well as treat other skin concerns such as aging and dryness.

Bio-Oil available at (as well as Wal-Mart, Duane, Reade, CVS, Target, etc.) for $11.99 (2 oz.) or $19.99 (4.2 oz.)

I've only been using it for a few days, but will report back with the results. Would two of you like to try it too? Just leave a comment and two readers will win a 2 oz. bottle (a $11.99 value) and will be selected randomly and announced tomorrow.

Had you ever heard of Bio-Oil prior to reading this posting? Would you be willing to try it?


ybfchick86 said...

I'd like to try it!

hiphopmuse said...

Hmmm. I haven't heard of this product but it sounds worth trying. I like how it doesn't contain any preservatives which I think sometimes has an counter-effect on skin. I usually have success with African-produced skin care products so I would give this one a try.

Is it for face, body, or both?

hipshazel said...

I have not tried it, but I would love to. I have these stretch marks on my chest that I would love to disappear for the summer!

Princessa Vanessa said...

Send it and I will try it!!!


B. Pierre said...

My roommate has purchased before. But she says that she hasn't been consistent with it to see the best results. But I'd sure like to give it a go.

Rebee said...

I've been dying for someone to try this before me. I hope that I win!!!!

sunyblack said...

I've never tried this product, I've tried a lot of products on the market for my issues with hyperpigmentation, and this would be worth a shot. Having spent so much in the past, this price is definitely reasonable.

Posey said...

I heard of this prior and was skeptical if it would work! I would love to try it!

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Hiphopmuse - It's for face and body!

Natakue said...

i actually have a bottle and used it a few times, but not consistently. bad girl, i know. i need to try it again.

Anonymous said...

i've never heard of it. i'll try anything on my hips though to minimize the stretch marks! yay for it being from s. africa!

Dania said...

Oh! I'd love to try it! It sound interesting.

Kwana said...

No need to enter me because I'm trying it too on my arms which are scarred from all my allergy shots. We'll see how it works. Let's compare notes.

Heat Styled Natural said...

I want to try it! I have acne spots on my arms. Not a good lookk for the summer:/

Bailey said...

I have heard about Bio-Oil but have never tried it. I'd be willing to give it a try. Also, I'm interested in your opinion of it. So, after you've had a chance to use it and decide whether you like it and would recommend it, please do share. Thanks!

Product Junkie Diva said...

I have seen this but never picked it up....thanks for running a contest.

Danielle said...

I would like to try it so that I can get rid of these pesky acne scars >_<, oii

Jeanie said...

BGG, I've NEVERRRR heard of this and I'm going to try it. It sounds like it's packed with the right nutrients! It can be used on the face too, right? I've been obsessing over finding a good moisturizer lately, but this bio oil sounds like it will do the trick.

Miss Mika said...

I have never heard of this product before but it sounds like it might be worth the investment! I have been told that a lot of the resutls that it provides can be found using unrefined shea butter, but I just can't get past the smell of it to use it consistantly. Instead, I use it on my hair!

kitty vodka said...

i never heard of it but I'd like to try it

antithesis said...

i will try it. ive been meaning to buy it for a while now. i want to know if it really works. thanks for testing this out!

Coco said...

I would love to try it!

ebjswife said...

I have tried it 19.99 bottle from Walmart - Used the whole bottle on my dark spots. I noticed a very small difference early on. But I can't contest to it b/c more than half way through I started adding in Jojoba oil along with Rosehip I'd use all three on my dark spots. I REALLY started noticing a difference when using these tow products in conjunction with the Bio Oil. I am all out of all 3 now and while my marks are lighter there not gone. I'd be willing to try bio-oil again alone to see if this will work.

ebjswife said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Bechemel said...

I have heard of this product before but have never gotten a chance to use it. Would like to try it and see if it could minimize scars from a kidney transplant on my stomach. I just started using vitamin e oil to see it that would help with acne scars. Let me know how it works.

CC said...

can i try...only magic can do away with these scars that I have.

mimieyes said...

Great find and the price is perfect.
I'm looking forward to try it.

Unknown said...

I am an engineer and I make bio-oil from agricultural waste. It is for energy not beauty though, lol. I said i was going to try this stuff on day said...

i have been wanting to try this for sooooo long!!!

Avidreader said...

I'd love to try it!

Carmesha said...

I've seen ads in magazines for this product but I haven't seen any reviews or anything. I'd love to try it!

Anonymous said...

I've heard of Bio-oil and have seen it in Walgreens, but I have yet to use it. I'd definitely love to try it as I have a few hyperpigmentation marks that need fixing stat!

Adzua said...

I'd like to try it!

Effortlessly Fab said...

i've seen the commercials for this and i was wanting to try it.. i have some stretch marks from when i gained some weight and then lost it so maybe its worth the try!!

spitfire said...

never heard of it, but i'd try it

Ashley S said...

I think I've heard of this but I'd be willing to give it a try!

April B said...

I've seen this at CVS a couple of times and debating purchasing. I'd really like to try it.

shopaholic said...

I wanna try it out. :-D

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

The winners of the Bio-Oil are Rebee and Coco! Congrats! Please email me your mailing address info. :-)

Anonymous said...

I've never heard of this. I do have some scars on my arm that I want to go away, let me know if it works!

GLSDavis said...

I've never heard of this product. I'd love to try it and I'm looking forward to your review.

MeMe said...

I haven't heard of it, but my cousin has. She says that she hasn't used it faithfully, but it seems to work. I would really like to try it. I'm going to look for it on my next trip to the store.

MS GLOSSY said...


The American Parlor Blog said...

I tried this... or I am trying this... I bought it from Amazon and it seems to work... I'll update you further on my blog- The American Parlor (

Anonymous said...

I am trying it right now on dark spots my legs and have been using it for a month. Looks like it may be working a little bit. I have been doing it regularly, 2x/day like it says.

I hope it works because I have been looking for something for years. I have never been able to wear short skirts because the dark spots on my legs due to old mosquito bites that turned dark on my legs have never gone away. Wish me luck!

Anonymous said...

everyone should have a bottle of bio-oil. I have used it and it works. I'm getting it again soon.

Anonymous said...

I posted my comment on May 28th. It has almost been almost 4 months since I started useing bio-oil on my legs and it has not worked. :-(

MsღLotus said...

I'm a new reader to this blog, but I've been using Bio oil for the past month consistently, and I love the results!

margarita said...

I would love to sEe magic on my body!!!

Tayla Morgan said...

I'd love to... I have lots of scars from the acne my mother genetically threw at me and I've been testing a few things out but nothing has worked =D

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