You can achieve a nice arched brow through various methods such as: tweezing, threading or waxing. I prefer tweezing because it’s the easiest and I can do it at home. Plus, it seems to last longer than waxing. I cannot comment on the threading process because I’ve never tried it, but some of my BG friends have and they’ve said that it’s a great alternative to tweezing and waxing.
So once you achieve your desired arch, you should add brow powder to define them even more. Makeup artists always stress the importance of brow powder because it gives you a more natural appearance as opposed to other products. So ladies, if you’re guilty of filling in your brows with pencils, please stop now! Rocking the Foxy Brown barely-there-drawn-on brows is not a good look.
Here are a few products that will help you get eye-catching brows!

These award-winning Tweezerman tweezers are a must-have in all the makeup artists' beauty bags. You can find them in a variety of colors at: for $20

I came across this cute LORAC brow pack and feel in love immediately. It has two different powder colors so you can get that perfect blend, as well as wax to help keep your brows in place.
Available at Sephora: for $22
WoW! Every time you give me a beauty tip I realize how out of touch I really am. I thought pencil was just fine this morning and now I feel ridiculous. Now, I've got to run out and get brow powder & wax! I refuse to go out like a sucka! If you keep giving me tips, I'm gonna have to take out a loan. I guess it won't be so bad once I've finally updated my obviously outdated products! hehehe
When you're a baby, powder is applied to your bottom during a diaper change,and as a woman you begin to powder your nose, now in 2008 we are powdering our eyebrows. It is certainly hard being a woman, especially a BG. But, I definitely don't mind being the new brown powder puff girl if that means I'll have the face of a goddess.
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