Plus, they make your eyes look extra gorgeous in photos. I've worn false lashes on several occasions and have been pleased with the results. Mascara does wonders for lashes, but false ones take beautiful eyes one step further. Whatever you do, don't wear them on an ordinary trip to the grocery store, then you may run the risk of looking ridiculous!

Here are 10-easy steps toward creating enviable eyes with false lashes:
1. Apply mascara to your lashes as you normally would
2. Carefully peel lashes off of the holder base
3. Place them on your eyes to see how they look and map out placement. You should match the outer edge ends with your own outer eye corner. If there is any extra at the tip of you inner eye, snip it off
4. Apply eyeliner as you normally would
5. Squirt a small dot of glue on any disposable hard flat surface
6. Graze the inner top base of the eyelash over the glue; holding the lashes by the tips, use a very light hand because the glue will stick easily and you want a thin layer. Less is more.
7. Next, place the lashes on lash line, try to go as close to your lash line as possible (always start outer corner of eyes and work your way in)
8. Close your eye and pat the lash in place
9. Apply liquid liner on any areas that have white glue or glue showing
10. Mascara is not necessary, as you’ve already attained the dramatic look, but feel free if you want to blend them in a bit.
This list may seem like a lot of steps, but after the first time you apply them, it will become a breeze! :-)

Without Lashes

With Lashes
Would you ever wear false eye lashes?
**Two lucky readers will win her own pair of Revlon Lashes. Just leave a comment and the winners will be selected randomly. Please be sure to check back tomorrow to see if you're a winner!
I've been wanting to try fake lashes. I think they would be fun to try! Thanks for the post. The different is amazing and yours still look natural.
I want those Lashes! I use them from time to time but I get the kind for 1 dollar at the beauty supply store!
I used to wear the individual lashes and have my lashtician (is that a word? LOL) put them on, but I have never tried to do lashes myself!! Hmmmm
I love the look. They look natural yet so long! Love it.
I've tried them on my own and I've gotten individuals done at the salon. It took me almost an hour to do them myself! I want to try again, but woo, I felt so retarded! The individuals were nice (just expensive), but they didn't last as long as the lady said. And they were itching, so I pulled them off in the middle of a meeting because I couldn't quit rubbing my eyes! How unladylike!! I like the way natural looking long lashes look on ladies.
Please ignore my unkempt brows in the pics LOL!! I was overdo for a waxing.
BGG as you know I wore these in my wedding and I loved them! I'm a little scare to apply them myself so I hope that I win so I can practice. Thanks for the steps!
i love the way false eyelashes bring out my eyes, but after a few hours they get so itchy!
Love the Camel lashes!
This is great I've been wanting to try fake lashes but they always look so fake.
Wow! you're giving a new name to fake lashes "natural"
I've never tried. Now I feel I have too. I just know I'll mess up.
I have never worn false lashes but I would definitely give them a try! I'm not sure I'd apply them very well but I'd give them a try and I would definitely consider having them done at a salon individually. I think they make a big difference and have a huge impact on the eyes. Lashes are fun and flirty.
Looks great on you! I've never worn false lashes although I own a pair. Maybe one day I will actually wear them.
I've wanted to try fake lashes b/c my lashes are soo thin & short, but i didn't want anything that would look too fake. These look great on you, really natural looking & pretty!
My sister is always telling me that I need to be more adventurous wth my makeup. Maybe this could help in that area. I have an even to attent next month, I'll love to give it a try!
I love love looooove lashes! They really open up the eyes and add just the right amount of drama. Most of my clients swear by them! Great application of your lashes BGG! You did a great job!
false lashes are HOT. havent had a reason to wear any lately so i havent tried it out but i want to. the ones u picked looked so good on you!
I would certainly wear false eye lashes. I actually tried once, but I couldn't get them close enough to my actual lash line. I believe I am going to try again this weekend. Btw, how long do they last? When are you supposed to take them off?
Oh I wore them to my class reunion and you couldn't tell me I wasn't the prettiest chick there! Seriously, I was marching around taking pictures with strangers just cause I know they needed a picture of my beautiful eyes. And why not wear them to the grocery store? Pretty is where pretty goes! ahahahhaa Great post!! Love the dramatic before and after shots. Go BGG!
nice eyes
i just reccommend eyelash glue remover... it will save ur real lashes!
False lashes are super cute ,but a little intimidating:( I think that they would give me a bit of the Wow Factor without being over-the-top.
I wore fake ones for my wedding and loved it. That was 2 years ago, I want to try again.
I hope I'm not too late. I love fake lashes on other people and would love to try them!
wow they look very lovely on you..but I think I'll just stick to mascara thats pumps and plumps out!!!
My exp with false lashes are that the glue pulled my natural lashes out, making them bald looking LOL
@MeMe - I take mine off after that day. I know others re-use them.
@OrangeStar616 - I've hear other ppl say that too! Luckily, I haven't had that awful experience. Fingers crossed! LOL
I love fake lashes, although they can be a bit time consuming if you don't know how to apply them. I started wearing them after I had a couple bad experiences with my mascara (I was allergic and my eyes were swollen like I had gotten into a fight- not cool)
Love your site Karla
i think you've won all readers over with that picture of your eyes! notice that everyone has been converted to the "i want lashes" side now :)
seriously, i love lashes... your pictures are a prime example of how lashes can "amp it up" and add the perfect amount of glam.
I've never worn them myself but your eyes look great and natural. Still think it's a lot of trouble but it looks so good I might give it a try.
I love faux lashes...instant drama to the eyes, just like lip gloss is to lips! Every girl has gotta have them!
I bought a pair once but I didnt know how to apply them correctly...I'm ready to try again! My eyelashes are so thin!!!
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