Monday, April 27, 2009

Squeaky Clean & Soft!

When it comes to purchasing shower gels, I usually head to the nearest CVS or Duane Reade - that will probably change. After trying Carol's Daughter's "Just Relax," Body Cleansing Gel, I have fallen in love and will find it hard to go back to using my regular drugstore brand.

Although I am not an ardent organic product guru, I find it refreshing that Carol's Daughter gels are free of sulfates, parabens and artificial colors, which can be harsh on our precious skin. The rich, moisturizing lather of this shower gel rinses clean without any unwanted residue that I've found in other brands.

The combination of this shower gel and my newfound Vaseline body gel oils has made my body feel super smooth. I have never felt so hydrated and soft. It's so wonderful to have finally found products outside of Aveeno that can tackle my tough, dry skin!

Carol's Daughter's newest gels: "You're So Fresh", "Just Relax" and "Brighten Up" available at for $13.50

Have you tried Carol's Daughter's Body Cleansing Gels? If so, what are your thoughts?

**I will be interviewing celebrity makeup artist Sam Fine this week, so if you have beauty/makeup-related questions that you'd like for me to ask him, please email them to me asap! :-)


K-Bear said...

BGG, I haven't tried any Carol's Daughter products but I really do want to. It's time for some new products! Where the heck can I find this stuff....only online?

beautylogicblog said...

I love love love carol's daughter stuff. I'm having a giveaway of some carol's daughter stuff right now for mothers day. Hugs, DE

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@K-Bear - It's easy, you can find all of Carol's Daughter online at or

@Beautylogic - I love her stuff too.

Kwana said...

Please don't get me hooked. You know I'm so easy.

T said...

Ok, I'm gonna add this to my slurge list. I don't want to get used to paying $13.50 a bottle for shower gel. I'm not Oprah out here. LOL!

Miss Mika said...

Although I am partial to Bath and Bodyworks shower gels, I have to admit, I absolutely love Carol's Daughter Almond Cookie collection. It is a great product that smells absolutely delicious!!! I will certainly have to check this particular scent out.

Erica Jordan said...

I tried "You're So Fresh" and the smell is addicting! It gives you a more fresh out the shower feeling and feels awesome on my skin. Definitely recommend.

Empress D'Cali said...

Great. I will have to try this one! This will give me an excuse to go to Sephora!

kitty vodka said...

oooh yum...

Product Junkie Diva said...

OK i will check out these gels, I have never tried the shower gels.

Shawnta` said...

I love Carol's Daughter. I like the Almond Cookie body butter. I'm happy that her business is really taking off and doing so well. Thanks for sharing!

Calming Corners said...

I have not tried this yeat. It is on my list. I usually use soap. But I switch up from time to time.

Rebee said...

I've always wanted to try Carol's Daughter products but never have.

mimieyes said...

Great choice! I like the products.

that guy said...

nice post. i might have to pick some up for mothers day.

MeMe said...

I haven't tried any Carol's Daughter body products, but I have always heard such good things about them. Looks like it is time for me to give them a try.

Anonymous said...

Another TERRIFIC post BG! I love carol's daughter hair products. I have yet to try the shower gels, but once again you have made me a believer and that is SURELY my next purchase. Thanks for always keeping us on top of the latest and greatest...

And interview with Sam Fine? Get out!! I heart him, ever since, I saw this interview with Tyra Banks when she said he was one of THE BEST in the business. He does awesome work. If I could ask him anything, I'd probably wanna know what his definition for the best skin care routine would be. Like what cleansers, toners, and moisturizers does he recommend?

spitfire said...

sam fine has the best skin. what's his personal regimen for achieving his flawless face?

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Glo - You are too kind!! Thanks so much for your sweet compliments & the questions for Sam Fine. :-)

@Spitfire - Thanks for the great question!

Anonymous said...

I've tried Carol's daughter hair products not the bath gels but I can they tell you that they smell great!