Tuesday, April 7, 2009

Live Your Best Life!

If the recession and massive lay-offs nationwide have given you a case of the blues, best-selling author and motivational speaker Lisa Nichols' new book, No Matter What!: 9 Steps to Living the Life You Love will surely help lift your spirits. This Oprah-esque, inspirational self-help book encourages readers to fulfill their dreams by outlining the basic steps to making the most out of the life you want in a clear and concise way.

Available in bookstores nationwide and www.amazon.com for $24.99

What are your favorite uplifting books? Do you enjoy self-improvement books? If so, several lucky readers will win a copy of this book. Just leave a comment and the winners will be selected and announced tomorrow.


Laquita said...

I love Lisa Nichols - I will have to get this. - Thanks for posting.

The most recent inspirational book I've read is The Secret with input by Lisa Nichols - it's a great little book that I will read over and over again :o)

Seymone said...

I love self help/inspirational books. I am currently reading, "How to Prosper in Hard Times". I would love to win this book..

Thanks again for the post

K-Bear said...

BGG, you know I love reading PERIOD! Isn't Lisa Nichols one of the folks from The Secret? If so, I love her! BTW, I'm all about self improvement so bring it on!

Kwana said...

I've seen her on Oprah (I think) and love her. I enjoy a self help book. Am always in need of inspiration. One of my favorites has been Simple Abundance. This looks great. These times really have me down.

kitty vodka said...

i like chick lit as an uplift

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@K-Bear - Yes, she contributed to, "The Secret."

Carmesha said...

This book has a great message. I've never read anything by Lisa Nichols but I love inspirational books in general.

Nikisha Williams said...

Iyanla Vanzant's books are great for inspirational purposes. I read them years ago, and find that they are great to look through every now and then when I need a bit of uplifting.

Anonymous said...

Right now, I'm reading Zero Debt, by Lynnette Khalfani-Cox. This year, I'm focusing on getting my money right!

Anonymous said...

@ Kwana, Simple Abundance sounds like something I need to read!

az said...

what a positive post. i want this booK!

biancaR said...

She has been on Oprah a couple of times... I like her.

I will definite look into getting the book. (unless i win) ;)

Diva's Thoughts said...

This book sounds intriguing.

Mel said...

This book would actually be for someone else. My wedding planner, who ended up becoming a really close family friend of ours over the years, lost both her parents within the past 4 months. She's an aspiring CEO of event coordinating CO., and could really use some inspiration at this time.

Anonymous said...

Despite today's scary economy and it's uncertainties, a good basic plan and good friends will certainly help guide your way even thru troubling times. I find a plan will ground my fears and keep me focused step by step.

So yes this book would definitely be a keeper (and a friend:)!

P.S. Great Blog;)

Leslie C. said...

My favorite book is Get Yours by Amy Dubois Barnett. It is so inspiring. Lisa Nichols will be at my local Borders store this month. I think I'll check out the reading.

ceecee said...

MY favorite inspirational book is by Iyanla Vanzant - One Day My Soul Just Opened Up.
And I enjoy reading self-help/inspirational books, the last I read is Girl Get Your Money Straight.

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Everyone - Another good uplifting book is, 100 Simple Secrets to Happy People by David Niven. I just read it last week and found it to be truly inspiring.

Rebee said...

Oh my I need something to help get over the recession blues!

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

Btw - The winners of Lisa Nichols' book, are: Laquita, Seymone, Mel, Dejoi, and Bianca R.

Congrats and please send me your mailing addresses! :-)

JustThankful1 said...

There are two that I am currently loving: The One Decision, by Judith Wright and Style Statement, by Carrie & Danielle. They both center on making an overarching mission/vision/statement for your life that influences every decision you make. The premise is that the decision or statement helps you remain true to your purpose by making more conscientious choices accordingly.

Mel said...

Too exciting. I tried to email but it bounced back saying your box is full. What can I say,you are quite a celebrity on the net ;)

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Mel - I'm so sorry about that!!! Try again, I cleaned out my box. LOL @ internet celebrity!! ahahaha

Anonymous said...

I don't usually inspirational books, is there a cliff notes version?