I don't know about you, but I love to sleep. In fact, I'd rather take a nap than go shopping! Ok, maybe I don't love it that much, but it's definitely one of my favorite pasttimes.
On the weekends especially during the winter months, I sleep for at least 11 hours on Friday and Saturday. Even though I sometimes feel guilty for sleeping in, I always awake feeling rejuvenated and refreshed. Studies have shown that we need 7-9 hours of sleep in order to function properly so I guess I'm getting my fair share.
Getting sleep can help improve our brains, heart rate, increase our metabolism, boost our immune system and prevent aging amongst many other health benefits.
I remember reading that singing sensation Mariah Carey and actress/singer Jennifer Lopez both swear by getting at least 8 hours of sleep every night no matter what. Maybe that's why mom-to-be J. Lo always has that glow...either that or a good bronzer! If these super busy globe-trotting divas can find the time to get the recommended amount of sleep, I'm sure we can too!
If you have trouble sleeping, here are a few tips to getting some quality shut-eye:
1. Don't watch television or surf the Internet 20 minutes prior to your desired bedtime
2. Perform a sleep preparatin routine each night (i.e wash face, brush teeth, etc.)
3. Limit caffeine and alcohol intake
4. Keep your bedroom quiet and peaceful (NO TVs!!)
5. Don't eat a large or heavy meal before bedtime
BGG, we are cerainly cut from the same cloth! Nothing makes me happier than sleep! Well, almost nothing. I try to get at least 8 hours a night and sometimes it just doesn't happen but when it does I feel so much better. Of course, that means my family is happier, my coworkers are happier and so is everyone who comes in contact with me. I must admit, I cannot sleep in total silence so put in a movie and I'm out like a light! Hahaha
I don't have any problems sleeping at all. I love my sleep.
I am a fan of a good nap--especially if it's kind of rainy or overcast outside.
Sadly, I fail terribly on most of those points. I'm am awful night eater, I always go to bed late and wake up too early and I just couldn't live without my TV. No wonder I'm always so tired. I'm gonna work on it.
I was just talking about this the other day. I love naps... my favorite thing to do... I dont know why people think their only for toddlers and old people
I'm a tad bit sleepy right now, so I guess I'll heed your advice and give the next twenty five minutes to unwinding. Maybe a hot bath, a cold glass of h20 and plenty of bubbles. I think that'll do the trick. Yep....
8 hours? I haven't slept for eight hours in over 10 years. Just about ten years.
I'm so jealous. lol.
@Don...I wouldn't be able to function without at least 8 hours!! How do you do it????
Im'm glad to hear I'm not the only one who loves to sleep. There was one point in my life where I slept so much and so long that I thought I might be part bear...LOL!
I never have troubkle sleeping. Girl, I can sleep like a champ!
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