It’s the perfect excuse to slip into new sexy lingerie and eat deliciously decadent chocolates -- what's not to love? Tell him to start shopping now to beat the mad rush that's certain to ensue days prior to the romantic day.
Here are a few of my pretty gift picks:

Pink roses from 1-800-FLOWERS for $69

Mesh Halter Babydoll Nightie available at Victoria's Secret for $34

Sterling silver diamond accented bracelets available at Macy's $34 each

Burberry Brit "Sheer" Eau De Toilette Available at Nordstrom $52-$72

Godiva Chocolates $85

Kiss Me Exfoliating Lip Treatment available at Macy's for $15

Tiffany's sterling silver heart necklace available at for $405
BGG, you have selected some really nice treats. I happen to be one who doesn't get excited about V-Day because it's just so staged, however, I'm always happy to get a sweet treat. BTW, I may not get excited about V-Day but if I don't get anything...I'm pissed! I know...I have issues! ahhaaha
well what im going to do for valentines day is drink drink go to dinner drink and pass out. not necessarily in that order. but im sure i'll get to hang with beca and liz :) and eat lots of deslish chocolates.
Boo Valentines Day!
Pretty gifts though.
Great gifts BG. Yes, the hinting must begin now. I really love the bracelets. Hint, hint.
I too pretend not to care about V-Day but if I don't receive a gift, I am pissed!
This is a great selection of must have gifts ( I especially love the pink roses). I don't hate or love Valentine's Day, as long as there aren't any overly lovey dovey couples around me, its fine LOL!
i wouldn't mine seeing my girl in that nightie on v-day
I've been eyeing those bangles at Macy's for like 2-3 years now. I guess this is my reminder/sign that I really must get them now.
We really do have similar taste!
@Azeeza, don't u just love those bracelets!!!
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