I’m finally back from my mini-L.A. vacay! I had an absolute blast, but am extremely exhausted. I was supposed to return on Sunday, but due to bad weather here in NYC, my flight was cancelled, which resulted in me staying an extra day. I was there with my BFF so it was just one more day to enjoy the LA sun, laugh and talk on the beach! I have family there too, so it was great seeing them as well. I love LA and always have. There’s nothing like blue skies, palm trees and the ocean. If only I could combine the good aspects of LA, Chicago and NYC into one city, I’d be the happiest BG on earth!

Me at the Santa Monica beach.
It had been so many years since I'd seen the Hollywood Walk of Fame; it was fun seeing the sights again!

Me near a cliff in Santa Monica.
What do you love/hate about your city?
BGG, like you, I am a native Chicagoan. Since I relocated to Houston, I now appreciate Chicago so much more. I love the food in Chicago and the public transportation. Since Chicago is on a grid, anybody that can count can get around and find places with ease. I hated the cold weather and the increasing crime. What I love most about Houston is the weather and the customer service. The people are much more friendly and easy going. What I hate about Houston is the lay out of the city. You absolutely have to have a car and traveling from place to place is a hassle for new comers. Many of the streets have two different names. It drives me crazy and I laugh every time I'm driving and I see someone out riding their horse! Gotta love them cowboys!
welcome back! i'm a florida girl living in atlanta...i love how there's so much to do here...great concerts, events, festivals...but i miss the diversity of florida...i miss hearing reggae on the radio!
BGG, I just wanted to add one more thing I love about Chicago and don't have here in Houston. I miss being able to get food at any hour of the night. Houston goes to bed at night so if you don't like Jack in the Box you're out of luck! The flip side is Houston wakes up early so you don't have to wait for businesses to open up. If the sun is up, they're open!
@K-Bear - I miss great chinese food from Chicago. I love the public transportation here and in Chicago, but it virtually non-existent in LA. I love the energy that only NYC has. I enjoy the LA weather. In fact, I think the worst aspect of Chicago is the weather. I surely don't miss that!
I'm glad you had a good time! That swimsuit is so pretty!
i have a love/hate relationship with NYC. it never gets boring but the stress that come with it isnt always worth it.
@xoxjaimie - Believe it or not, I didn't pack a single bikini for my trip! So while my friend and I went to the beach, we realized that we didn't have bathing suits!! Luckily, there was a nearby Sears that had really inexpensive bikini tops. That one was only $7.99. Unfortunately, they didn't have any cute bottoms, hence the not-so-cute basic black shorts! LOL! Anyway, thanks for the compliment. :-)
@Kittyvodka - I too have a love/hate feeling toward NYC. I love that there is always so much to do, but the crowds have turned me into a angry commuter!! People in other cities have road rage, I have pedestrian rage!!! LOL
BG is looking Hot!!!!!! I was in your neck of the woods last week and fell in love. I could honestly see myself living in chi town. You looked amazing!
balling again i see last it was houston
Looks like you had a fabulous time. And that bikini is working!
Did you eat at any good places? I can't go to LA and not eat at Roscoe's at least once and I must have a cupcake from Sprinkles. Yummy!
How can you even think of leaving NYC.
The city that never sleeps that includes bugs too.
I almost moved to Santa Monica few years ago but after making a list of the pros and cons of each city. I realized that besides the sun LA looks of the the energy that makes NYC the best place to be.
NYC will make you feel alive by the shared emotions and frustrations and in the same breath the cheer of surprise at every moment.
If LA is so great why everybody there is a transplant from the rest of country? HA!!
i have more hates than loves for DC but im glad u had a great time!
I am a nyer and I love the fact that the city never sleeps... the range of good food, good parties, good people is endless... the thing I hate about ny... are the immense amount of homeless people, rats, last of grass, and tourists... there are always too many damn tourists in the city...
I have more things I love and hate but will keep it short
***I put on for my city***
LOL! I hate LA, but the way. It's like a big dirty resort. But anyway... I LOVE CHI-TOWN. I love the people, I love the food, the festivals, concerts, plays, parties and some days I even love the fact that I can't go anywhere without running into someone I know.
I hate that it's cold like 8 months out of the year. If you're from a hot state, you might think it's cute at first, but imagine getting up and going to work, rain, sleet, snow, hail or blizzard for two thirds of every year.
But then the summer comes back around and it's heavenly again!
Oh, and after reading the comments, I forgot to add public transportation and CLEAN STREETS. When I go to NY and Philly, I LOVE it (really love it), but I'm dying to get home JUST so I can breathe clean air, have trash cans to throw my gum in and not see rats and roaches on the street downtown. ICK!
I love you CHICAGO!!!
@Makeupbyrenren - I remember when I first went to LA, the songs they played on the radio was TOTALLY different, so I guess people can miss their hometown radio stations.
@DominicanEnigma - Aww, thanks for the compliments!! I must say I love that cheap little bikini top. Who knew Sears would have such a cute swimsuit? You loved Chicago? I love it too!! What part did you visit? It really is a great city, except the winters! LOL I'm glad you enjoyed it!
@Torrance - LOL! Ballin' would not be the truth!! I've been blessed enough to go to a few places this year, but I'm definitely not "ballin!"
@Tales of a Housewife Diva - Thanks for the compliments!! I really did have a fantastic time. I even went to Roscoe's Chicken & Waffles! It was tasty, but it didn't live up to all the hype. Plus, it didn't seem like the cleanest restaurant in the world. LOL! I didn't try Sprinkles though.
@Eb the Celeb - You are so right. THere is always something to do here in NYC. The parties and events here are unmatched. I do hate the filth, whihc includes the RATS!
@DC - I'd love to hear what you hate about DC. I've never been there, but always wanted to.
@T - OOOOH, I love that Jeezy/Kanye West song!!! I have so much Chicago pride when KW's verse comes on!!! You know I love my city!! Really, there's no place like it. I would've never left if they had an existing magazine industry there. Chicago has the BEST food hands down to me. I love food so it's my favorite thing to do when I go home - EAT!! THe winters are torturous, but when you've grown up there you get used to it...well, kinda! LOL
@Everyone - Thanks for the feedback. I'd love to hear what others think!
Welcome back. It looks like you had a great time.
I love that NY has something going on at any hour of the day. I love the lights of NYC especially at night...beautiful.
I hate the sidewalks (that clearly need to be repaired) that scuff my stilettos...grrrr
glad you're back! looks like you had a great time!!
Nice photos!! Glad you enjoyed your trip, blessings!
WELCOME BACK!!! I love love love LA too... Its such a welcomed change of pace coming from NYC. I love the west coast- I wanna go back just for Fatburger and Roscoe's (I didn't get to Roscoe's when I was there, but I heard it was really good and Housewife Diva just clarified that, lol).
It looks like you had fun!
As for my city, it would be great if it only snowed around Christmas and just a few days after the New Year and then warmed up. Michigan's cold winters are too much for me.
Get out of hereeee. I took a picture at that same location in Santa Monica. After alll of those steps. Sometimes I really miss LA. It wasn't for me but I ap The longer I live in Florida, the more annoyed I get with this state. Ugh! But you look fab!! Glad you enjoyed your vacay.
LOL@ B - Shut up!! You took a picture right there too! Yeah, it was taken right after all of those stairs. We really are blog sisters!! We have so much in common! :-)
welcome back!!nice pic's
Glad you enjoyed your trip! I've been in DC for 5 years now and I'm soooo ready for a change! Ugh! I've lived in Atlanta, Oakland, Philly and of course DC and I think I'm headed to Chicago to be near home (Indiana) next!
As a Chicago native, I absolutely LOVE the summers with all the free festivals, free concerts, farmers markets, walks on the lake front, picnics on the beach, and just nice warm weather. On the flip side, there is little that I like about Chicago winters. They are brutally cold and utterly boring if one is not willing to brave the weather and look for something to do. The weather is so bad that I have been trying to persuade my husband to consider us moving southwest (so far he's not budging).
Btw great pictures!!!
I live in NYC, I love that there is always something to do, always something open at any hour of the day (It really is the city that never sleeps) but I hate the amount of people, it's a little overwhelming especially in the tourist spots like Times Square. I will walk a couple of extra blocks just to avoid the crowds.
I live in the NYC-North Jersey area. I'm a jersey girl, and I used to live in Newark, NJ but now live in the suburbs. I love that Newark has a great downtown area complete with restaurants, shops and places to visit like NJPAC, the Newark Museum and the Prudential Center and good colleges (like Rutgers, where I attend school). What I don't like is its repuation with crime/violence and poverty. Mostly shown on the news is negative things about Newark, but not all of Newark is negative.
HATE: That it's the capital yet you can't escape someone who knows someone who knows you!
LOVE: That we have so many cute, stores and restaurants. plus we have downtown where you always find something new.
p.s. I'm going to LA next week ^_^
You look so adorable and so chic brown girl! I love NY for all the blend of cultures and the energy!
I love Chicago! We have the best restaurants,OPRAH, and the Michigan Avenue MMile!!!That is the best shopping ever. I love the fact that I can go to dinner at 2 AM in the morning if desired.
The winter is not an issue for me because I drive everywhere! I just start the car up to heat it up and then go!!BGG,they put Palm trees up north on the beaches!!Come Back Home!!!!
Hey I forgot to mention that I love NY too! The only problem I had was when I went to dinner and had a cocktail and then got on public transportation, that was the worst! Maybe we should have taken a cab!!!LOL
wow thatz my home (l.a.)...i kinda mizz the fam & the friendz, but florida iz alot more mellow...i dont have 2 deal with that grrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr traffic i h8 soooo much...blah...amazing that u think l.a. public transportation iz non existent...girl u can get a bus 2 n e where on n e corner...born n raised there & when i go 2 other placez im amazed how they dont have the public tranzpo!!!...lol...ya i luvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv l.a. but florida iz home 4 the moment!!!
@hair-mania-dot-com - Really? I didn't see many buses there. I guess I thought that the transportation was bad because you guys don't have many subways/L trains, right?
P.S I love Florida too!
it looks like you had a great time.
I'm glad you had such a good time. It's always good to visit cool places with wonderful friends.
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