Hey BGG readers, please tune in tonight to watch CNN's special report on being black in America. Tonight's airing will focus on the black woman and family. I actually caught the one that aired last week that focused on the issues plaguing black Americans (single parent families, education, etc.) and it was EXTREMELY insightful and informative. Tomorrow's topic will be about the black man.
We BGs love all things pretty and chic, but knowledge and progressiveness is paramount!
Check local listings for channels and times.
PS Thanks Heather/Melay for the reminder! :-)
BGG, I'm so glad you reminded me. I wouldn't want to miss this. In fact, I plan on taping it and sitting down with my kids to watch it this weekend. Something tells me this is gonna be really good!
The day is all over with and I'm just now checkin' in at BGG. I gots to do better. My Tivo-thingie is already set for this!! Can't wait....I hope that people everywhere are watchin' this. Thanks for the reminder.
Thanks for the reminder. I would hate to be sitting at home chit-chatting on the phone and accidentally missing this ;)
thanks for the reminder. this really is must see tv.
I'm actually watching it now, education is power! Thanks BGG!
I saw a commercial about that thing just a few minutes ago. I'm not sure if i have the channel. I hope i do.
xoxo Jaimie
Don't forget to check out my new contest!
Looking forward. Pass the word around!!
Fascinating. Very well done. I hope more people get to see this.
i was going to do a post on this. it's a good thing you did. did you catch the show? i caught bits and pieces of it. what are your thoughts?
@Anti-thesis - No, I actually was out celebrating my anniversary last night so I didn't catch it, but I will watch it since I recorded it. What did you think of the parts that you saw?
I'm throwing salt. I watched it. I was disappointed. Very disappointed. I may post about it.
@Nerd Girl - What didn't you like? Do tell!! I'm curious to find out what you thought.
i think it was information i already had and was pretty accurately portrayed. i have no issues with white people or any other people viewing it and getting a view of what it is like for most blacks in america. CONGRATULATIONS ON YOUR ANNIVERSARY! gotta love black love!
BGG, I watched the show and though I enjoyed it, I felt like it was old news. Who doesn't already know that we have some serious issues that need to be dealt with from many different angles? Watching shows like that makes me angry because the powers that be choose to ignore the truth and so do the parents who are partially responsible for this mess. I mean really, who lets their kid just stop going to school? That's insane. The government and the system could definitely do much more BUT it starts at home.
I recorded these on my DVR. I just hope they do series that also deal with Asian-Americans, Native-Americans, Hispanic-Americans and Arab-Americans because their issues need to be spotlighted too.
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