Summer is the perfect time to catch up on the mountain of books that you've been meaning to read for months. There's nothing like sitting in a park or on your porch (if you live outside of NYC, LOL!) with a good book. Whether it's a biography (my favorite), novel, self-help book or something in between, they all allow us to escape from the stresses of the world and take time for ourselves.
Unfortunately, this year I haven't been reading as much as I usually do, but with a few upcoming out-of-town trips planned, I know that I'll have plenty of time to do just that at my least favorite place - the airport!
What are you reading this summer? What's your favorite book of all time (if you can name just one)?
Here are a few books that are on my MUST READ list for the summer:

The Audacity of Hope: Thoughts on Reclaiming the American Dream by Barack Obama

Green With Envy: Why Keeping Up with the Joneses is Keeping Us in Debt by Shira Boss

Ghettonation: A Journey into the Land of Bling and the Home of Shameless. She has a follow-up coming out in September, so I want to read this one first!

Cooked: From the Streets to the Stove, from Cocaine to Foie Gras by Jeff Henderson

Lies At the Altar: The Truth About Great Marriages by Dr. Robin Smith
i feel you....
catching up on my reading is one of my summer goals ^_^
p.s. thanks for your feedback..it means a lot. <3
ooh i want to read The truth about Great marriages. i need that!
BGG, My BFF was in town this past weekend and she asked me if I still read like I used to. It moved me because reading has always been a huge part of my life and since she's been my friend for almost 40 years she knows that about me...but I've relocated and these people don't know me. They have no idea how sad I am that I don't get to read like I used to. I have several books that I just glance at every day. In Chicago, my commute to work on the train was my special reading time. Now, I drive to work so I can't seem to find the time. Your post has reminded me of how wonderful it is to be engrossed in a story completely separate from my life. I'm thinking a good book just might make the difference on bad days. I'm going to make it my business to crack open one of my books this weekend. Thanks, BGG! You have inspired the bookworm in me!
i keep telling myself i need to read more. i used to get through a good read in a day. now, im slowly but surely reading a book about prayer and how to pray correctly and effectively. i got it as a graduation gift from my church, among other things.
Ghetto nation looks like a good read. I need to finish so many books including one from your list that I started and never finished...
PRoduct Junkie Diva
I'm a book FIEND... I'm actually in the process of reading a really great one right now!! If anyone knows of any book clubs please let me know... I've been looking for one.
I'm currently reading Nelson Mandela's autobiography "Long Walk to Freedom." It is a good, but loooong read - I should've thought about the fact that 27 years in prison gives one a lot to write about!
My favorite book ever is 'Sippi by John Oliver Killens.
I don't read as much as I used to, thanks to my daughter "three feet of fun," but I get it in when and where I can.
Great post!
Thank you!! Aw I'm so glad someone came and checked it out! =} im a dork lol. oh and thanks for the eyebrows comment! I try not to do them, just a random pluck at stray hairs every few weeks.
But I'm a HUGE reader, those books look very interesting, Especially Cooked. I will have to check it out!
im reading 'Chasing Harry Winston'by Lauren Weisberger. so far its not as good as "The Devil Wears Prada" or "Everyone Worth Knowing" but still a very entertaining summer read.
Favorite Book- Their Eyes Were Watching God by Zora Neale Hurston
bless you bgg! cuz i'm headed out of town and desperately need some new books...i'll be picking up some of the ones listed here today-WHOOPEEEEEEEEEE!!
Child, I'm reading Bible.
With Love,
Mrs. Mabel
OH, I can't forget Zane too. I'm loving her new book. Shhh, don't tell nobody though.
Great Selection BGG!, I liked Dr. Robin Smith when she is on Oprah, I wish she had her own show.
I love to read too but lately I can't get through a page without snoozing out! My favorite author is my mother. She published many articles but never any of her absolutely wonderful stories. I swear sometimes when I recall a good story, I can't remember if it was hers or Stephen King's!! I'm not kidding. She was that good. God rest her soul! Here's to you mom!
I am rereading Harry Potter and the Half Blood Prince. I know that is dorky but I love the books and the movie is coming in November. Also read A New Earth, Fat Smash,and mostly magazines. I want to get a Kindle so I can read easily. And I am on Goodreads, which has get suggestions on what ever one is reading. Have fun with your summer reads!!
Thanks for the suggestions! I will put these on my list. I just finished reading a great book called "The House of Mondavi" which is based on the Robert Mondavi wine family, and all of their drama and dirty laundry. It makes you think of Napa Valley in a whole new light :)
I want to read Ghettonation: A Journey into the Land of Bling and the Home of Shamelessness.
Reading is so much fun. I want to catch up on Donald Miller's books. When you get a chance read his memoir Blue Like Jazz. It's so good!
I absolutely LOVE to read. In fact, I read so much that my dad used to call me his dictionary!!
I am happy to say that after completing my second master's degree and having the summer off from teaching, I finally have time to read just for myself again!! You have no idea how I have dreamed and waited for this moment.
My favorite types of books to read are fiction and non-fiction works by Black authors (particularly Black female writers). Some of my all time favorite authors include: Toni Cade Bambara (her book of short stories entitled Gorilla, My Love is a definite must read at some point in your lifetime), Edwidge Danticat (you must own at least Krik?Krak!), Zora Neale Hurston, Anne Petry,...ok my list could go on forever.
I am currently reading the following books simultaneously:
Colonize This! Edited by Hernandez and Rehman (an anthology by young women of color on today's feminism)
The Narrows by Anne Petry (novel)
The Trouble With Black Boys by Pedro A Noguera (essays and articles on race, equity, and public education)
I am currently reading a novel
Thanks for the info. I was SOOO close to picking up Barack's book. I think I'll add that to my list (now) for sure!
@Everyone - thanks for the book suggestions, I'll definitely check them out! :-)
"Devil in the White City." The book is great so far...I am scrambling to finish it!
I'm looking forward to your suggestions.
Great post.. I am going to go to the library this weekend and check out green with envy and lies at the altar.
Great post BG. Love the picks. I have too many books too mention to read this summer but I really need to be writing so that's what I'll focus on doing but there will be romance reading thrown in there.
Great list you have here!! Love them...I'm always interested in reading different books but there are so many I'm interested in I never get to finish :/
Maybe we need a bloggers/blogees unite book club LOL.
Thx again.
@bonafidelatina - Great idea!! We could all read a book a month and then discuss it on all of our blogs! Now how exactly can we make that work? :-)
Nice selection! BGG your going to have to do a,"Great Fall Reads" because my book is coming soon!!!
Just finished the Twilight book series by Stephenie Meyer. If anyone's interested in a vampire love saga...it's a page-turner! (lol at myself)
@Afia - Yes, I have heard that Gorilla, My Love is the best for years now! Maybe one day I'll give it a try! Thank you for sharing so many great book selections!!
like makeup that i collect and never use, i collect books and never read =(((( i loved reading and thought i'd be a writer some day.
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