I recently had the opportunity to try a few products from a new line, called Thevi Cosmetics. As you guys know, I love trying new products, but oftentimes end up disappointed. That was not the case when I tried these products. Created by a woman of color, Thevi Cosmetics is designed to complement the vast array of skin-tones that we BGs have. I tried the mascara, blush and a lip color and was thoroughly impressed. I'd have to say that my favorite was the mascara. Although it doesn't match my tried and true - Maybelline Great Lash, it was still better than a lot of other brands that I've used on my lashes. Not only were the products of quality, the packaging was sleek and modern.
Have you ever tried Thevi? When was the last time you tried a new product and were pleasantly surprised? Please share!

Mascara available at www.thevicosmetics.com for $18

Automatic Long-Lasting Eyeliner available at www.thevicosmetics.com for $16.50

Blush Brush available at www.thevicosmetics for $30

Liquid Powder Mineral Foundation SPF 15 available at www.thevicosmetics.com for $32

High Impact Lipstick available at www.thevicosmetics.com for $22
BGG, I try something new every time you suggest it! I'm easy like that. It's rare that I just don't like a product, my problem is I find it difficult to let go of my tried and true stuff. So, even if I like the new stuff I find myself still reaching for the old faithfuls! Like always, I will give Thevi a try but chances are, I'll still reach for MAC but who knows...
Call me late but my new fav makeup is MAC... lol
you always have interesting finds. i love that it's created by a black woman. if i get back to really wearing good makeup and not drugstore brands, i'll keep this in mind.
i've seen some other bloggers review this product...looks pretty good but a lil pricey
@Antithesis - Actually, the founder is of Indian descent. :-)
Like you, I do love to try new products.
I love to see how thevi mascara works on me.
I have tried many and I have the same problem with all of them.
Eventually they run and I end with raccoons eyes.
BGG, I'll give Thevi a try but the makeup industry is becoming like the music industry....too much to choose from...every time I turn around there's a new product that's supposed to be better than all the others. I guess the only way to know is to try them. MiMi Eyes, you have to try MAC's Zoom mascara if Thevi doesn't work for you. I never have racoon eyes even with my MAC eyeliner.
I've never heard of this line before but I'll have to check it out. I'm going mention it to my sister, I wonder if she's familiar with it.
That blush brush looks great. Girl, idk why but you are on my blog roll as your last post is 5 months ago! It never updates your recent stuff. Not to worry, i added you to google reader lol
@xoxojaimie - You know, several people have told me the same thing. I don't know why or how that happens. I don't even know what to do to fix it. :-(
Can anyone help me?
I haven't tried Thevi yet but you know I have to jump on it if the mascara is good. You know I'm a mascara fiend. LOL! I'm all over Stila and Too Faced these days. MAC hasn't seen me in awhile. Shocking!
Never heard of this brand, but thanks for the introduction! I'll have to check it out.
This seems like a line of makeup I'm definitely willing to try. The last new thing that I tried and liked was mineral makeup. I love it because I don't have to worry about putting artificial color on my face that will irritate my sensitive skin.
Hey I keep it natural and sexy! Guess I will tell my friends about this product line, thanks BGG!
i like the YES TO CARROTS products that you gave me. they smell and taste yummy!
I've never tried Thevi but i'm always up for trying out new products!
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