This product, which is made with 100% marula oil was just what I needed to give my oftentimes, dry and dull-looking tresses a nice sheen without leaving it lifeless or greasy. Plus, it has a delightful tropical scent that makes you want to continuously use it. I’ve applied it daily for about 2 weeks now and will definitely add it to my hair repertoire!

Have you used Motions? If so, what are your thoughts on their products?
I recently tried Motions Leave In Conditioner on my store bought human hair weave. It worked a miracle. It brought bounce and pep back to "my" hair after it began to look a little drab and in desperate need of some spunk. Love It!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting on this product. I have seen the ads in magazines but I have yet to sample this product. Glad it worked well for you. I will make my purchase asap.
Product Junkie Diva
sorry i didn't answer your question. Yes I have used Motions products before, what I liked most was the Motions CPR conditioner with rosemary. I don't like all of the ingredients in it which is why I no longer use it as often as I did in the past but it worked well.
Product Junkie Diva
never used the oil, but i have used their shamppo and conditioner. i like it very much!
I've tried their perms before and they're very moisturizing. I'll try and check that out! Check out my blog if you get a chance! Ciao!
I'll give it a try.
Tks, for the suggestion.
I've never tried it but I might just have to now.
BGG, I started using Motions about a year ago and I like their products. My favorites are the leave in conditioner and the CPR. I cannot wait to try the oil because my hair has become extremely dry since I added highlights. I hope it works for me like it did for you!
I haven't used motions since I went natural. In my perm days though, I loved their oil sheen and foaming wrap setting lotion.
I used to use Motions products a lot when I had a perm. I liked their wrap lotion (which turns into a mousse), it worked very well for short hair and wrap sets. I'll have to try this Marula oil, I've been seeing it advertised a lot.
i have never used it. i don't think i need oil in my hair because its not too dry.
I've never tried this oil but I will. Thanks for the post. Like wes, I do use the Foaming Wrap Lotion/Mousse and like it a lot.
u need to open up a store sister
I used to use Motions like crazy when I had a perm but I haven't recently. I love a good oil though so I may need to check this out.
i have long been curious about this new line. im not a huge fan of regular motions products. i will keep this in mind for the winter months when my hair is most dry!
ooh can't wait to try this!
I like the CPR and oil. Although I have heard mixed reviews like their regular conditioner is simply a coating and after time will dry the hair out.
Many of my friends are addicted to Motions products. My Dominican salon keeps it stocked!
Love the Marula hair balm.I use Motions cause the line is really good. I tired the mousse, setting lotion, and heat protectant spray. They are great products. And resonanble when Walgreens has a sale on them.
i absolutely love motions products. welcome to the bandwagon girl!
check out my blog:
I've used a few products and haven't been really impressed. However, that oil is new to me I might give it a try.
I only know about the perm (before I went natural)which I did not like. I have been looking for a oil that I can keep in the office after working out.
I've wanted to get someone's opinion on this line. Thanks for the info.
Wow, I see that many BGG readers are natural! One day I may do the same. Thanks for all of the feedback!
i guess i'm going against the grain but i tried the oil & it did nothing for my natural hair....then i ended up having an allergic reaction. :-(
I've used Motions in the past and have no compliants. Their oil may be a good addition to my hair arsenal but I actually prefer to use the oils straight or mix them myself.
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