Oftentimes, I don’t even consider T as a friend; she’s more like a sister to me. We bring out the best in each other and she’s always been there to support me no matter what and vice versa. We're like Oprah and Gayle! I can talk to her about any and every thing as much as I want. When we get together it’s like we’re back in high school again. When I was in Chicago last week, we laughed, reminisced and had a great time. We’ve been best friends for nearly 15 years now and I couldn’t imagine life without her.
TT and me.
The week before I went to Chicago, my other friend, AD, came to visit me here in New York for the first time. She’s my fashionable friend who is just as spoiled as I am. We shopped, laughed and bickered just like we did when I lived in the Windy City. We grow closer each year and I’m so glad she’s a part of my life.

AD and me.
I do have one other best friend, Wanza, but we haven’t seen each other in about a year. We keep in touch via phone and text. Hopefully, I’ll make it to Tampa before the summer is over to hang out with her too!!
Friends definitely make our lives more enjoyable.
Do you have a best friend? If so, what makes him/her special? What is the most important quality a true friend should possess? Please share!
Check out some of these celebrity BFFs:

Essence Atkins and Gabrielle Union

Tichina Arnold and Tisha Campbell

Kelly Rowland and Beyonce

Tyra Banks and Kimora Lee

Oprah and Gayle

LisaRaye and Vivica Fox
BGG, I'm blessed to have a bff too. Her name is Katrina and we've been best friends since we were 3 years old. I can remember her sister bringing her across the street to play with me. Now we're in our 40s and though we live in different states we talk almost daily. We know each other top to bottom and love each other completely. What I love most about our friendship is even though we are very much alike in most ways, we still allow each other the freedom to be the individuals God made us to be. She's my biggest fan and I am hers. We respect one another and we handle each other with care. She's my sister and knowing I can count on her through it all is priceless!!
Magnificent post. My bestest and I have been friends since we were 12. She gets me like no other friend. I swear the girl can read my mind. She's my right hand in every sense of the word
Great post. You are your friend look so fab and glam. You are blessed to have them in your life. I'm blessed to have quite a few friends some old and new. Two K and C I've had since I'm 10 and 11 years old so we're more like sisters which is just great.
BGG, thanks for adding the celeb photos! There is nothing like a killer photo of you and your BFF! Plus, I am still suffering from the lack of celeb photos last Friday!
Aw. Cute fab topic!
I have two best friends.
DB is my best friend because we think alike on SO many levels. We have similar upbringings and understand and agree on things about each other (and life) that no one else ever will. I don't see her as much as my other best friend, but I know she has my back from afar.
LB bka thummyb is my best friend because we spend so much time together. We were college roommates and have some general feelings about life that line up perfectly. We are different in EVERY other way. Height, size, love life, job, optimist vs. pessimist, cautious vs. risky (depending on the situations). Our relationship can be illustrated by a shoe purchase. We go to a store at separate times and come out with the same shoe. She with the black classic mule, me with the pink leopard print mule (it was the late 90s - don't hate). So we have the same foundation, but different tastes, if you will.
aww, how nice! ive never really had a bff. seeing others with that special bond is nice though. that's beautiful!
Thanks for celebrating friendship. As they say,
you can pick your friends, but not your family.
My best friends are closer than my biological sister.
Without them life will be harder and expensive.
They are the therapists and the comedians in my life.
YAY for sister-friends! i feel the same way about my BFF. we've been hanging for 18 years. we are POLAR opposites and i think thats why we've been able to be so close. we enjoy pieces of each other's lives & differences and love each other for the honesty we share.
i think the most important thing to friendship is trustworthiness/honesty. i need to know that i can talk to you about anything and trust you won't turn into the town crier OR judge me for it.
I do have a bff and she is my sister :-). Many of the qualities that you listed for your friend apply to my sister. She is my protector (even though Im a grown woman..lol) friend and everything in between. Even if we weren't family we would be friends she makes life great.
Love this post
Product Junkie Diva
Ohhhhhhhhhhhhh BG!!! I am beyond touched by your post - what a sweet surprise in the midst of my daily dose of BGG fashion, beauty and entertainment intelligence.
What you forgot to mention is what a great BFF you are! Generous, patient, sincere and one of the kindest chics I've ever met. Let's not forget that you never tell a lie no matter what the circumstances - something I have always admired about you.
Before www.browngirlgumbo.com - BGG existed during our visits to the Marshall Field's MAC counter, the drug store on Clark and Monroe's beauty aisle, our Chicago Ave nail salon expeditions (eventful at the very least), that "Boutique" at 125 S. Clark - and so on!
BGG just brings those memories to life and keeps them going!
Once again - very touched - Love ya!!!
PS. I did make it out to NYC afterall! wink wink.
great pics! you ladies look good!
maybe i'm strange...but i have like 20 bfs. lol. really! most of em are in the crew from back home. i'll see em this weekend. i'm lookin forward to it
good post
@12kyle - No, you're not strange. I know plenty folks who have tons of friends. Unfortunately, I wasn't blessed with having more than 3 real, true friends. I mean I do have my sisters and a cousin who are my BFFs too, but I didn't include them in this post.
I am always amazed when I find out that people have so many friends. I guess it's hard for me to make friends since I am a homebody and friends love to go out all the time! LOL!!
@AZ - Awwww, thank you so much for the sweet words.
LOL@ at our days at Marshall's Fields' MAC counters! Those were the good ole' days.
I had the BEST time when you came to NYC even though we got on each other's nerves from time to time! It's just because we're so much alike.
I'm so glad to have you as a BFF! :-)
P.S I hope you're happy with the new pic. LOL!!! Only you would request me to change it!
^ lol! And only you would meet my silly demands!!! Thanks!
Great post! I have about 9 very close friends... Each of them serve a different purpose to me but if I were to combine all 9, I'd have the perfect best friend.
BGG, great post and since you are meeting demands. I demand credit for introducing you to AZ! HOLLA! Seriously, I'm so glad it worked out the way it did. Who knew?! You were two young girls just starting out and now look at you both...hanging out and taking a bite out of the Big Apple! I'm getting choked up!
I need a best friend.
You guys look fabulous!
Makes me long for my BFF's
You and your BFF are gorgeous!! I seriously loooove my BFF/roommate. Been down since 11th grade. Yay to strong friendships!
Loved the thoughtfulness of your post, so often we hear that women can't get along and this is just one example of how untrue that really is. A BFF is someone who brings out the best in you and accepts you when you are at your worst and in turn you do the same for them. What is it with Lay's classic chips, I can't even buy them because once I have them I can't stop eating all that salty goodness. LOL
BGG - I could look at these girlfriend photos all day!
You and your friends look so glamourous!
Friends are blessings! Love ya K!
what a sweet post about best friends.
Aww, this post made me smile.
@Just K - Remember when I said AD thought she was "the" mayor!!! Who would've thought that we'd become such great friends. RMD's office and CPS bring back so many wonderful memories!
Your post inspired me to call all 3of my BFF's,...who also happen to be my three younger sisters. We are a dynamic team and I can't imagine my life without them! Even though we live far apart, my heart is always with them.I thank God everday for an amazing group of sisters.That's my " feel good" moment of the day :) Keep blogging!
I love love love Tichina and Tisha... they both look fab there and have been friends for a loooooong time... real sisterhood...
and you and your friend in the black...that should have made the fab pics of the week... very chic
Loved the post and your pictures! I'm like "Wes" I have a few close friends who serve different purposes and all who I love dearly! I guess if I combined them- I'd too have the perfect BFF...
@Eb the Celeb - Aww, thanks!! :-)
awwwww that was the sweetest post ever. i have one friend that i had since i was 12....everyone else kind of comes and goes...
Since I have been literally on the road for like a week, I finally had the time to sit down, relax, and read my favorite blog...what a wonderful, touching, and delightful surprise to find a tribute to BFF everywhere and me (TT) in particular.
Like AD said, it cannot go without being said what a truly amazing, wonderful, caring, and sincere BFF (more like a sister) you are. I am truly blessed to have you in my life just as you are (even when you sometimes act spoiled- wink wink).
I hope this post brightened your readers' day as it did mine (a full week later- lol)
Aww, thanks T! I don't know what I'd do without you!! XOXO!
Hey BGG, I guess I can say I am really blessed. I have four best friends, Shannah, Karin, Toot, & Trina. Shannah & Karin have been my friends since BIRTH!! Our parents were friends when they were kids. Even though Shannah lives in Michigan, and Toot lives in Georgia, we talk all the time. The best part about our friendships is that we are all close. I couldn't imagine life without them. The only hard part about having four best friends is that when i have a problem I have to tell the story four times!! Overall our friendships are priceless, and I wouldn't trade them for all the money in the world!!
I absoulutely LOVED this post. Although I'm currently on the outs w/ a couple of my besties... it's always refreshing to hear about the bond others share. =o) I was completely smiling through this entire post. I have about (7) best friends... and some are closer than others (in different ways), as they all serve a different purpose (on a broader scale) yet a general element in the fact that they are beyond the bomb in friendship. I definitely count myself blessed. Great post.
This was very sweet.
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