Thursday, October 16, 2008

Come On Get Happy!

With these grim economic times and an uncertain upcoming election, it’s easy to catch a case of the blues. Maintaining happiness is a state of mind that requires a conscious effort. We all have to decide whether or not we’re going to wallow in self-pity and despair or take action and seek happiness!

Focusing on the things that bring us joy is truly the only solution to combating the blues, but Oprah’s new book, “O's Big Book of Happiness: The Best of O, The Oprah Magazine: Wisdom, Wit, Advice, Interviews, and Inspiration,” just might do the trick too!

Available at for

No matter how down I may be feeling, a bouquet of pink roses is always a surefire pick-me-up! What do you do to lift your spirits when you’re feeling blue? What ultimately makes you happy in life?


Soul Natural said...

I love to write! Writing for me is like a good cup of herbal tea; it is soooooo soothing! Blessings, Soul Natural baby :-)

Ananda said...

hi bgg. i do yoga and drink ginger or peppermint tea. taking a walk helps too. flipping through o magazine and essence helpt too.

B said...

Great post, BGG! You really do have to keep your spirits lifted these days b/c it is so easy for money woes to get you down. A good dose of laughter from good friends and family members always makes me feel better. As does the feeling after a great work-out and wonderful conversation with that special someone. ;)

Anonymous said...

Accomplishing my goals, playing with my cousins, watching shows like The Office & King of Queens the movie Mr. Woodcock gives me a great laugh, reading a good book.
@Ananda- I agree, reading a magazine does help, thanks for recommending Oprah's new book BGG!

MakeupByRenRen said...

smiling babies...i know it's cheesy but it works!

Product Junkie Diva said...

Yes Like B having a great family that can snap you out of your funk can really do the trick. Also close friends are very helpful too.
I like this post!
Have a great day.

Wes said...

A beach ALWAYS makes me happy. There's something about the sand, waves, the seagulls and sun that just makes me feel like everything will be okay regardless of what I might be going through. I could never live in the midwest, I HAVE to be near a beach, I don't care where it's located a beach is a beach to me. I think I'm one of the few people who doesn't mind going a NY beach.

Kwana said...

Looking at nature is a good way to bring happiness. Take a walk and see the beauty around you. Count the blessing you do have.

All-Mi-T [Thought Crime] Rawdawgbuffalo said...

i never give roses, always lily's, they smell better and i think women are special like that

is she on each cover of her magazine

Anonymous said...

cupcakes make me happy. oh and vodka

Anonymous said...

A big slice of chocolate cake does the trick for me, that and a good cry to get all those bad feelings out.

Anonymous said...

Hangin' with my hubby & son, by the beach, with a Grande' coffee with Cinnamon Dulce syrup, watching the sun set! Now that makes me a happy girl :-)


Anonymous said...

My son brightens up my day! He knows exactly what to say and do to make me smile. He is my gem!

Anonymous said...

hanging with my wife makes me happy

Darius T. Williams said...

I see this book in ALL the book stores. Oh to be O!

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

Btw, in addition to pink roses, the other things that make me happy are sleeping in on Saturdays, dining with my husband/family and like Wes - the beach!!

Calming Corners said...

I had some major september blues, I started to create a thankful list and give thanks, then I really realized that I had a lot to be grateful for. Music, writing daydreaming and reading are other things.

Brown Girl Gumbo said...

@Calming Corners - I think I'm suffering from major October blues. I can't seem to shake it either. :-(

K-Bear said...

BGG, I'm happiest when my bills are paid, I have money in my pocket, food in my house and a man near by and of course my kids are healthy (not in that order). If I have all that and I turn on my favorite song, it's all good! Throw in an ice cold Diet Coke and I'm in heaven!