Monday, October 13, 2008

Get Glowing Skin!

We’ve all heard the phrases, “you are what you eat,” and “beauty starts from within.” The people over at Nestle believe that their newest creation, Glowelle, a dietary supplement beauty drink packed with a combination of skin-beautifying antioxidants is what women have been waiting for. I had the opportunity to try the product, but I haven’t used it consistently yet to actually see results.

Glowelle Natural Jasmine Flavor 7-Day Powder Pack Kit available at for $40

If you don’t believe that beauty can be found in a bottle, a healthy diet is always an option!

According to various research studies these foods can help create sensational skin:

• Wild salmon
• Walnuts
• Dark chocolate
• Red wine
• Broccoli
• Leafy greens
• Red veggies
• Water (of course!)

Would you try a beauty drink? Do you monitor what you eat to help maintain a glowing, healthy complexion? Share your thoughts. One lucky reader will win a Glowelle 7-day starter kit, worth $40. Winner will be selected at random and announced tomorrow.


K-Bear said...

BGG, I've always suffered with troubled skin so I'm always up to try something new! The concept sure sounds good and I love anything that is convenient!

B said...

Interestiiiing, I'd give it a whirl. I love love love water so that's usually what I stick to for a good complexion. Have a wonderful Monday!

Calming Corners said...

I eat just about everything you suggested, blueberries are good too!


Wes said...

Luckily I have great skin. If my skin were a reflection of what I eat I'd be a pure BEAST. Especially lately, I've been eating a lot of really bad stuff (fried foods, pasta, bread, cheese, etc.)
I do try to drink a lot of water though.

antithesis said...

my beauty drink is high quality H2O. i leave that other stuff alone. i just need to drink much more of it than i do.

T said...

It's a bit pricey to use it on a regular basis, but I'd drink it at the spa or on a retreat or something. LOL!

Soul Natural said...

I was always told I have beautiful skin, thanks to God! I pretty much eat the things you have suggested already, and I drink mostly water through out the day. Have a blessed day BGG and all BGG readers!!!l

beautylogicblog said...

You know I've posted before about eating to get glowing skin and hair. Of course what you eat shows on your hair and nails. I take a lot of vitamins and greens to maintain the health of my hair and skin.

MakeupByRenRen said...

hmmm i would try it! lately i've been slacking on the diet though...i need to get more veggies in my routine!

Product Junkie Diva said...

oooh a
I have never tried a beauty drink probably because I think water is the best beauty drink.
I am thinking since it comes from Nestle it probably tastes pretty good. So how was it BGG?
Yes, like calming corners blueberries are great. Actually the famous doctor that visits the Oprah show said all berries especailly the darker ones are great for skin and overall health...yum!

Anonymous said...

my secret is h20. I try to drink as much as possible everyday. :-)

Anonymous said...

I've never tried a beauty drink or monitor what I eat but who wouldn't want to have beautiful glowing skin. If not for the hefty price tag, I would try glowelle myself.

Anonymous said...

I drink a lot of water and I eat lots of fruits. But Glowelle may be an altermative for my travel days.

Anonymous said...

water all day everyday. nice post

Anonymous said...

ah! ive got a sample of that but im too suspicious to try it. it doesnt seem too safe to me.

Anonymous said...

I don't know.I don't think I would try a beauty drink. It seems kind of weird to drink something that might improve your looks. But I have heard that drinking water helps clear the skin and I do drink that.